Dragon, Metallic, Gold

Gold Dragons     Gold dragons are generally regarded as the strongest of all dragons, possibly barring some dragons from other planes. They often feel the need to watch over humanoids as wise teachers or counselors, or sometimes to rule over their civilizations because they know how things need to be run. Golds are just as arrogant, if not more so, than other dragons. Even when ruling over creatures or guiding them, a gold dragon can be dismissive of the worries of a lesser creature, and often forgets how fragile humanoids are in comparison.   Terrain and Habitat   Gold Dragons tend to favor rolling hills and plains, but they are not limited to those options in the slightest. They also make their homes among craggy mountains, in deep caves, or rarely within a humanoid society.   Lairs   Golds like their lairs to be as majestic as they are. They will not settle for just any dank old cave, and if they do, they will change it to fit their view.   Favored Treasure   Golds prefer all manner of magic items, but treasure of all kinds fills their hoards. They also enjoy collections of admirable art or raw ore. Many also pursue knowledge, so it isn't uncommon to find books or scrolls on history in the hoard of a Gold Dragon.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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