Light the Fires of the Mithral Forge Plot in Thylea | World Anvil
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Light the Fires of the Mithral Forge

The Mithral Forge was used by Volkan's smiths to construct the weapons of the gods in The First War begins. The Forge can be used to build powerful magical items or repair ancient magical items that no longer work. Kyrah suggests that the party travel to The City of Estoria.
  Volkan has directed you towards the local dwarven copper miners in Estoria. They may know the way to the abandoned mine.
  The chosen heroes found the mines within The Mithral Mountains behind the Great Falls of Arkelon. Inside, they made a deal with the local Troglodyte King to aid in defeating the Cerberus that guarded the forge.
  Within the forge, the group met The Forgekeeper, and convinced her to make a deal with them that would allow them to use the forge until their prophecy was fulfilled.
Completion Date
Pythion 21st


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