Session 014: Trogs, dogs, and... Brides? Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 014: Trogs, dogs, and... Brides?

General Summary

Date: Pythion 20th
  Heading back into The Mithral Mines, the Fifth Order turns rightward, noting the dwarven make of the tunnel system this side of the complex. Aura also notices the shape of a two-headed dog creature, seemingly guarding the bridge that lay overhead, but, upon further inspection, proves to just be a statue. The party hoists each other to the next level to get a better look at it. After it is deemed otherwise unnoteworthy, the group heads down the hall to investigate a pair of rooms. The first contained a statue of a troglodyte and a two-headed dog, as well as a number of chicken corpses. Dorianna attempts to recall some information about what creatures these statues could represent, and as she exits the room to tell the rest of the group, the statue comes to life behind her, and tries to get the jump on the warlock. During the battle, the statue stationed on the bridge also springs to life, and the party becomes assaulted on both sides as a number of chicken-like winged creatures come running around the corner from the room at the end of the hall. They trade blows and one of the dogs breathes a cone of molten, fast-cooling rock onto the heroes; though, in the end, they pose no real threat to the Chosen.
  Within the last room, they find more statues of dogs, as well as a large number of broken cages and rotting weaponry. Ianthe and Hybris attempt to harvest some of the fallen creatures for some usable materials, and Ianthe investigates the cockatrice nests for remains. During her search, however, the remaining two statues come to life and attack the bard.
  Deeper into the mines, the group comes upon an ancient storage room filled with rotting sacks and petrified wood with nothing of value except that of a single dwarf skull that can be returned to The Dwarves of Estoria. The large chamber at the end of the tunnel contained a terrifying and gruesome sight. The enormous body of a dead three-headed Cerberus lie partially decomposed and scavenged as a number of hounds feast on its remains. The group is able to sneak close to them, and Ianthe and Dorianna make quick work of the creatures with a coordinated duo of Shatter spells, launching viscera and blood everywhere. Searching the hall and adjoining rooms, the party is able to find an additional 25 dwarven skulls, as well as an immaculate piece of Mithral Chain Shirt armor, donned by Dorianna.
  Adjacent to the hall, the group finds an enormous, fathomless shaft that descends into total darkness. Dorianna tries to gauge the depth with a small stone but hears no sound indicating it found a bottom. Leaving the chasm for now, the party heads back to the bronze doors that lead into a metal cube with leering dragonheads engraved into the walls. The passcode is uttered, and there is an audible *click* as some mechanism seemed to be disarmed. With that, the heroes pile in and head downwards. As they do, the air becomes hotter and the air grows acrid with the smell of sulfur and ash. The doors of the elevator opened to a rush of hot air and a scene straight from hell. Before the group lay a river of lava with but a few stone platforms to stand upon. About 30 feet in front of them lay a hulking, horned, black-furred, three-headed hound, that began to slowly perk up and subsequently bark and snarl at the heroes. Acacius was the first to stand against the beast, brandishing his Javelin of Lightning. However, the beast was too quick. Before he could lose his weapon, the monster reeled back and burst forth a cloud of hellfire, disease, and death itself as a black and red storm of volcanic ash rained down on the Fifth Order. Two members immediately collapsed as Ianthe pulled Acacius back into the elevator, sending it up, the howls of the beast echoing from below as they retreated.
  The downed members are revived, and the group unanimously decides to head back out and take a rest for the rest of the day. Dorianna and Ianthe forage for some herbs and come back with some dandelion root that they're able to distill into a healing tonic. The party discusses how to tackle the challenge before bedding down for the evening. As Dorianna is consulting her book from The Fates, it begins to flip its own pages wildly, eventually settling on some images: One is that of a snake-bodied orange woman with a crown, and next to her is a large blue orb and a tablet with writing on it. As she is inspecting the contents, the pages begin to etch themselves with writing. They read, "An opportunity presents itself. Use it to your advantage."
  Date: Pythion 21st
  Back in the mines, the heroes choose to head down the left path, toward the troglodyte dens. As they do, they pass some chambers with a number of the reptilians standing at attention. They direct the group further into the warren. Eventually, the path leads to a large chamber where a huge troglodyte sits on a throne, flanked by two brutes, and one female at his side. He wears a golden circlet and has a metal scepter in his hands. He invites the group into his chambers, requesting an intellectual conversation. He explains some of their history and that of the mines and says that he has devised a set of riddles he wishes to impose on the heroes. If they should fail, he explains that the tribe will eat them. The Fifth Order negotiates that if they should win, he has to lend them his army to aid in the fight against the beast below. Flawlessly, the group solves his riddles, one after the other. Each round extracts a joyous and overzealous response from the creature as he kills his wife and smashes his throne in excitement. At the end of the test, he opens his hands and asks for the group's hands in marriage to replace his old spouse. The only one to step forward is Acacius. He promises his army, and bestows upon Acacius his scepter (a mithril ingot) before they take some... alone time?... 
  The 'knights' of the army round up the other soldiers and begin preparing them for the upcoming skirmish. Soon after, The Troglodyte King appears and offers the group a number of armaments that have been stowed away in their refuse pit. The group refuses to dive into it and Acacius convinces him to send one of his own to retrieve the gear. Moments later, it returns with an armful of metallic javelins, covered in waste. They are identified as solid adamantine, the other precious metal that was mined from these mountains.

Rewards Granted

  • 4x death dog claws
  • 2 x cockatrice beaks
  • 3 x cockatrice droppings
  • 26 x Dwarf Skulls
  • 2 x Dandelion root tonic
  • 1 x Mithral Ingot
  • 6 x Adamantine Javelins
Report Date
12 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters
When the mithral deposits were first discovered, I saw little reason to celebrate. It was not until I first held a mithral wepon that I appreciated the ingenuity of Volkan and his dwarven smiths.
Rizon Phobas


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