Session 003: The Oracle's Prophecy Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 003: The Oracle's Prophecy

General Summary

Date: Pythion the 5th
  Ianthe finds herself assailed by four animated Makhaira. After a message to her allies, the rest of the group rushes to her aid and is able to destroy the floating weaponry. Aurelia falls unconscious during the battle, but the bard, Ianthe, is able to restore her with a beautiful melody. Afterward, Proteus offers some restoration to other injured members of the party, as well as bestowing a potion of healing unto each of the heroes before rushing them into the cavern below to save The Oracle.
  After descending the stairs into the Oracle's Grotto, the group experiences a bout of deja vu as they step into the familiar scene where their previously shared dream took place. Aurelia faintly hears the sounds of struggle and cackles from the far side of the chamber, and the group pushes forward to investigate, led by Acacius and Hybris. They see before them, a beautiful water nymph, adorned with golden jewelry of all kinds, restrained by some sort of water creature being forced to witness the Sea Hag Heleka savagely murder one of the temple attendants as she mocks the Oracle.
  Such despicable acts cannot be allowed to continue as Acacius and Hybris rush into the room to engage the villain; however, Aurelia is the first to get a strike on the hag as she uses her nimble monkish reflexes and beats them to the punch (literally). A bloody battle commences as the heroes batter the hag, one after the other, all resisting the terribly frightening visage that she emanates. She gets a few rakes of her claws into the heroes, notably rendering Acacius unconscious, but ultimately is no match for the onslaught of punishment. Heleka attempts to flee by disengaging into the adjacent river that flows away from the cavern. Her escape is immediately cut short as Doriana dives into the river after her, launching a well-placed eldritch blast at the fleeing creature.
  After the battle, the water entity loses form, and Versi is released from her constraints. She quickly thanks the heroes for coming to her aid and bestows upon them the Prophecy that has been rumored across Thylea:

The Oracle's Prophecy

“You warriors who stand here gathered will be tested. The Fates have revealed three great tasks that must be accomplished before you are ready to sail into the three seas and face the Titans.”

“You must shape the silver fires of the lost forge in order to craft the tools that you will need. You must claim the mighty weapons wielded against the Titans by the first Dragonlord. And you must drink deep from the bottomless dragon horn, for it will reveal a vision that I cannot see.”

“But woe unto thee, for I have seen the end of all things. My father’s anger cannot be quelled, and his sister schemes even now. Your quest may yet fail and, if it should, the sky will rain black fire, and the doom of Thylea will come."

She also imparts the promised guidance to each member of the party in hopes that it will aid them in completing their individual goals as well:
  Ianthe, The Gifted One: "I am pleased to have one with such a lofty destiny come before me. I see you are meant for greater things yet - to ride at the forefront of a flight of reborn dragons... but have you ever wondered the source of your great gifts? Pondered whence they came? I shall reveal it to you. You and I, you see, are kin. My father, Lord of All, once loved a mortal sorceress. She was your grandmother. My father's sister-wife, Lutheria, convinced him to murder his mortal lover, however. You must avenge her, and in doing so, her spirit shall guide you to your great destiny... Now, allow me to gift you something of hers - a memento that I know she would wish for you to have far more than I."
She gifts Ianthe with a beautiful golden locket that is sealed shut.
  Acacius, The Cursed One: "You, Cursed One, whose veins run black with the foulest of hexes, and punishments are disproportionate to the crimes committed ages ago. I see that you must travel to the City of the Dead, there you must speak with the silent guardian that watches over all of Telamok. He shall reveal the nature of your curse, for he was there when the curse was placed upon your blood."
  Doriana, The Bastard: "You carry an unkind name that burns deep to your noble soul, Bastard. I admit that the identity of your father and your mother’s killer is obscured to my sight, but I can see greatness throughout your long-reaching family tree. The token of his that you carry, once given to your mother, is known as a burnished dragonlord coin, and I can see that it was one of the first to be minted. Take it to the City of the Dead and present it to the silent keeper of that place. He will show you the way to the tomb where a member of your blood restlessly sleeps.”
  Hybris, The Doomed One: "You whose birth was cursed, whose joyous day of coming to the world was spoiled, I can see the torment that has been laid at your feet, but my sight is obscured from seeing the perpetrator of your misfortunes. Speak with my sister, Demetria, where she weeps and rages in the Oldwood. She has a connection to that which is fated to be your ultimate doom."
  Aurelia, The Timeless One: "Cousin, strange cousin, you are an anomaly. Lost to the sands of time, yet returned to Thylea in the here and now. This was fated to be, foreseen by my namesake - your mother, Versi the First. I wish I could say what happened to her, cousin, but my father jealously guards such secrets. All that I can say is that Sydon named his children after his lost siblings as some sort of final insult. Still, I have seen you fulfill her prophecy, now given to me. For your hand to guide Thylea's new dawn, you must seek out the Hand of Kentimane that sleeps in the heart of the Oldwood, and take it to the Island of the Golden Heart. There, you shall commune with our grandmother, Thylea herself."
  After some more communion with the Oracle, the group heads back upstairs to speak to Kyrah about the meaning of the Prophecy. She explains that they are tasked with completing Three Great Labors in order to prepare themselves to face the Titans, and that the best place to start would be in The City of Estoria. The heroes rest at the temple before setting out in the morning.
  Date: Pythion the 6th   During the night, the group is once again visited by a simultaneous dream; however, this time, it is much more of a nightmare:  
You find yourself in an expanse of darkness with nothing around, a woman’s voice says “So, your great quest begins. Off to become heroes are you? Mortals are so very proud.” An old man hogtied to a stake, “Look at this one, he’s falling to pieces, life is practically dripping out of him, flinches and panicking. “I wonder what will happen to his soul?” He screams as a butcher knife ascends toward him.

  Everyone wakes suddenly, and everyone but Aurelia is suddenly overcome with various bouts of madness. Quite shaken up, the group attempts to finish their rest before Proteus greets them in the morning, offering mushroom tea. He gives Doriana 2 anti poisons and a potion of comprehension before extending some words of 'wisdom'. After leaving the cavern, Kyrah voices her contracting opinions and tells the group that they should enter into an Oath of Fellowship together in order to share the fame that is to come.

Rewards Granted

5 x Potion of Healing
1 x Pearl worth 100 drachmae
2 x Anti poison
1 x Potion of Comprehension

Missions/Quests Completed

Seek out the Oracle
Never trust the words of that witch, Versi. She once claimed that she saw no great deeds in my future, but look now - am I not the King of Mytros?
King Acastus


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