Doriana Antorath Character in Thylea | World Anvil
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Doriana Antorath

Doriana Antorath (a.k.a. The Bastard)

I was born a bastard child, raised by my single mother. She refused to share my father’s identity with me, only that he was a powerful man. His wife was jealous, and thus my mother and I were kept from him. Instead, we were graciously left to fend for ourselves, thrust into poverty where we would remain. My mother often spoke of this with disdain, saying we were both denied what we were owed by my birthright. While we remained poor, our wealth was found in the love we had for each other.   One fateful day, I returned home to find our humble cottage engulfed in flames. I managed to pull my mother out, but she fared only long enough for us to say goodbye. In my mother’s dying breath, she told me to find my father, and as I held her, she handed me the last token of him she possessed: a single burnished coin. Her dying wish sent me on a quest that would take me all across the lands of Thylea. After losing everything I loved in a blazing tragedy—and never knowing my father—I was forced into a self-sufficiency that I was ill-prepared for.   Soon I sought guidance, struggling to survive and find any leads that would point me to my father. Hearing my pleas, beckoning voices echoed in my head and lead me to my destiny. I came upon the Fates, who summoned me in my time of need. They told me they knew where my father was and could help me find him, for a price. In exchange for the gift of magical prowess to aid in this guided search, I became a servant to these three destiny-weavers, forced to do their bidding at their command. I am eternally grateful to them, but have little patience for other authority figures who get in my way or impede my ability to fulfill my destiny. Ultimately, I try to keep a positive mindset and do what's right, even if that means doing something wrong.   I aspire to learn as much as I can about the diverse cultures of Thylea. I have an overwhelming curiosity that sometimes lands me in hot water when I pry too much. I have absorbed various traits, phrases, and customs from all across the land, keeping pieces of each culture I encounter with me. I have great respect and love for the many faces of Thylea and hope to someday make strong connections and find community. However, my lack of a father figure made me wary of men, and in turn, overly trusting of women. Perhaps after bonding through the trials of navigating Thylea with my newfound party of many backgrounds, I will find the family I have sought all these years.


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