Session 016: A New Bro Ally Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 016: A New Bro Ally

General Summary

Date: Pythion 22nd
  Unnerved, the heroes wake from their restless night of sleep along the shores of the underground dock below The Mithral Mines. They each do their best to collect themselves after the night's terror-wrought visions, speaking among themselves about what they experienced. After a short period of time, a great boom is heard from outside the waterfall curtains of the chamber, followed by a blast of warm air and an orange glow that emanates from outside. Acacius volunteers to sneak out and get a look at what created the noise. The rogue finds a newly envigored Volkan standing on the waters of the lake with a blazing aura surrounding the god. He begins to approach and make his way toward the awaiting group.
  He greets them all and congratulates them on clearing the dangers of the mine and re-igniting the forge. He heads further in with the party in tow, inspecting his long-lost workshop. There's an awkward encounter between him and The Forgekeeper as he attempts to apologize for his wrongdoings from centuries ago. Afterward, he speaks with the heroes about what ingredients they have for him to work with and what they wish for him to make. They settle on a number of items including a pair of winged boots made from the golden fleece, an upgrade to Hybris' Moon-touched greatsword using some of the adamantine they found, repairing the dragonlord's shield from The Mossy Temple, and the fashioning of a pair of mithril knuckles for Aura. The group spends a few days at the mines waiting for Hybris' sword to be finished while they recoup from their recent battles.
  Date: Pythion 25th
The Heroes of Prophecy decide to make a trip back to The City of Estoria in order to turn in some remains and take care of some personal effects while they wait for Volkan to finish more of their equipment. During the first day of travel, they hear the sound of hooves approaching from behind and turn to see the figure of a majestic, but overtly drunken, Centaur. He saunters up to the group and demands a wrestling match, which, Acacius accepts. The two gear up for their brawl and begin trading blows. The fight continues briefly, each of the participants getting in a few hits before Hybris bellows a mighty roar in an attempt to stop the commotion. Pholon immediately apologizes and introduces himself, requesting to join the group as he needs a new bonded rider. The party accepts under the condition that he pulls his weight. His first attempt at this is allowing Acacius to ride on his back the rest of the way to the city.
  Date: Pythion 26th
  Back in Estoria, the group heads to The Dragon's Tooth and hands over the bag of dwarven remains to the miners, and are rewarded with some drachmae. The dwarves all agree to venture to the mines and join Volkan. Ianthe decides to take a trip to The Dragon Shrine and speak with Aesop about some personal matters including how she could find a dragon herself and if he had any information about who her grandmother is. He doesn't have any useful information on finding a dragon, but he does identify the picture in Ianthe's locket to be Jasena, one of the original Dragonlords. With their tasks taken care of, the party begins the journey back to the mines.
  Date: Pythion 28th
  The journey back was quite uneventful. It would seem that the group's efforts in cleansing the local area have done much to improve the safety of the roads. Back at the mines, Volkan bestows the repaired shield and knuckles on the group, and they ask him if he has any additional information about The Necropolis of Telamok. He explains that it is a hallowed and dangerous place and that one must walk the "Path of the Dead" to reach it. With a little less confidence, the group continues on into the mountains in search of their next Great Labor.
  Date: Pythion 29th
  The Fifth Order travels the road into the Mithral Mountains as snow and cold begin to slowly creep upon them. It's difficult to tell at first, but as they get deeper into the mountains, the quieter the landscape becomes until it is devoid of almost all noise, save for their own. Aside from the strange atmosphere, the trip is easy-going until the party comes upon a strange but familiar sight. Dozens of stone statues depicting massive arms and hands jut out of the surrounding landscape. They dwarf the group and flank either side of the path which leads to a narrow bridge over a deep chasm. The heroes deliberate how to tackle the obstacle before Acacius and Hybris tie ropes to themselves and Acacius leaps the chasm, securing his end of the rope to the other side. One by one, the rest of the members are able to make it across, most by jumping or being thrown by some of the stronger members of the group.
    Date: Scyllion 1st
  During the next day, it becomes increasingly quiet until the party is met by a dead eerie silence. It grows colder as the path gains height it becomes increasingly narrow and treacherous. Suddenly, the silence is pierced by a song. A song that takes over the minds of a number of the party members as they are drawn to its origin - a harpy, on the other side of the gorge. What follows is an intense back and forth as the group attempts to simultaneously fight off a number of these avian/humanoid creatures, while also trying to prevent their companions from falling off the side of the cliff path. There are a number of narrow moments including Dorianna almost falling off the path and Acacius succumbing to the onslaught of energy attacks by the harpy siren; however, Pholon rushes to his aid and fends off the beast until the rest of the group can catch up and back up the duo. As quickly as it began, the heroes fell the last remaining creature and scout out a suitable place of rest, far away from the harpy's nests.

Rewards Granted

  • 280 gold drachmae
  • + 1 Shield
  • +1 Moon-touched Greatsword
  • Mithril knuckles

Missions/Quests Completed

The Dwarves of Estoria
Report Date
07 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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