The Order of the Dragonlords Organization in Thylea | World Anvil
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The Order of the Dragonlords

The Dragonlords were settlers who came across the sea during the Xanderiad, along with their bounded dragon mounts. They took the side of the settlers, then waged war on the natives and their gods Sydon and Lutheria. Tide of war shifted several times, until an Oath of Peace was signed by new gods.     Their leader was Xander Huorath, with his mighty silver dragon, Balmythria. The second in command, Xander’s chief rival, was Rizon Phobas, who rode Balmythria’s mate, a great bronze dragon. Joining them were Adonis Neurdragon, beautiful and vain; the brothers Telamok and Estor Arkelander, ruthless and savage warriors; and several others who have since been forgotten. Each warrior was oathsworn to a dragon, and together, they were nigh unstoppable in battle.    
The native and cursed races of Thylea are fearsome enemies, but those who side with us against the Titans are valuable allies. I cannot fathom betraying my own kind as they have, but I find it is better not to question their motives. They choose to fight alongside us; that's all that matters to Xander, and so it's good enough for me.
Rizon Phobas (15 CE)
Military, Knightly Order
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