The Gifted One Plot in Thylea | World Anvil
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The Gifted One

Background and goals:

  The Gifted One

Meeting with the Oracle:

"I am pleased to have one with such a lofty destiny come
before me. I see you are meant for greater things yet - to ride
at the forefront of a flight of reborn dragons... but have you
ever wondered the source of your great gifts? Pondered
whence they came? I shall reveal it to you. You and I, you see,
are kin. My father, Lord of All, once loved a mortal sorceress.
She was your grandmother. My father's sister-wife, Lutheria,
convinced him to murder his mortal lover, however. You must
avenge her, and in doing so, her spirit shall guide you to your
great destiny... Now, allow me to gift you something of hers - a
memento that I know she would wish for you to have far more than I."


Opening of the locket:

On the morning of Pythion the 12th, one week after Ianthe received her locket from The Oracle, it opens, revealing inside, the portrait of a beautiful woman, weathered with time. She spoke to Ianthe as if on the wind itself. She talked of her destiny to rebuild the The Order of the Dragonlords and she told Ianthe that she was destined for great things, even though she could not see it now. The voice was limited in her time as she had not the strength to keep the connection, but she reassured Ianthe that she would always be by her side if and when she needed her company.
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