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The Calvari are an indigenous ethnic group residing in the Verdant Cape, a lush and isolated region in the southwestern peninsula of the Zafarid Sands, bordered by a desert to the north and a mountain range to the east. Known for their close connection to the land and sea, the Calvari people live a predominantly tribal lifestyle. Their lands, referred to as Yalara (meaning "The Green Water's Embrace"), are characterized by rich biodiversity, and the Calvari people are renowned for their navigational skills and intricate crafts.


The origins of the Calvari people remain shrouded in mystery, but oral traditions suggest that they have inhabited Yalara for centuries. Historians believe that their ancestors were seafarers who eventually settled in the Verdant Cape due to its abundance of natural resources. Geography and Settlements Yalara is flanked by mountains and desert, which has historically isolated the Calvari people from the rest of Orynthia. The coastline of Yalara is dotted with small fishing villages, while further inland, settlements are nestled in dense forests and valleys. The land is fertile and receives ample rainfall, supporting lush vegetation and a diverse range of fauna.


Calvari religion is animistic, with a belief in spirits residing in natural elements like trees, rivers, and animals. They revere the sea as a sacred entity and hold festivals to honor the spirits of the land and sea.

Economy and Trade

The Calvari economy is mainly based on fishing, agriculture, and crafts. They trade with the pirates and travelers who occasionally reach the Verdant Cape. Calvari traders are known for their shrewd negotiating skills, and their handicrafts are highly valued by outsiders.

Relations with Outsiders

While the Calvari are generally content with their isolation, they engage in trade with outsiders who venture into their land. However, they are cautious and secretive about their culture and traditions. The arrival of pirates and corsairs in the region has led to an increase in trade, but also to the exposure to new cultures and ideas.

Isolationist Tribes

Some of the smaller Calvari tribes located deeper inland are known for their vehement isolationist stance. These tribes often respond with hostility to any outsiders, including other Calvari from the coastal regions. They are fiercely protective of their lands and maintain ancient practices with little influence from the outside world. It is believed that they adhere to more ancient and purist forms of Calvari traditions and spiritual beliefs.


Major language groups and dialects

The Calvari people speak Calvarin, a language distinct from other Orynthian tongues. The language is rich in maritime terminology and has a variety of words for different natural phenomena.

Art & Architecture

Calvari crafts include intricate woodwork, woven textiles, and ornamental jewelry made from shells and stones. Traditional music and dance play an important role in religious ceremonies and social gatherings.
Related Organizations
Related Locations


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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