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Verdant Cape

The Verdant Cape juts out into the Great Ocean to the south west of the Zafarid Sands . This Cape is separated from the Zafarid Sands by a series of small mountains that capture enough moisture to create lush landscapes in stark contrast to the desert.

Fauna & Flora

The Verdant Cape hosts a rich diversity of plant life including citrus trees, orchids, and ferns. Exotic bird species and small mammals are also abundant in the region.


The Verdant Cape is inhabited by two distinct groups.    The indigenous people of the area are known as the Calvari. They are a tribal society, living mostly in harmony with nature. Their culture revolves around fishing, cultivation of tropical fruits, and reverence for the sea and forest. They are known for their intricate tattoos and skill in crafting boats and nets from natural materials.   The coastline and small islands surrounding the Verdant Cape have become a haven for pirates. These seafaring bandits are a motley group comprised of Ardetians, Setitians, Theronites, amongst others, who have taken to the sea to live outside the laws of their home nations. They take advantage of the Verdant Cape’s strategic location to intercept sea traffic from the Ardetian Islands to the south and raid vessels travelling between Set and other northern regions. They are also known to raid the Olkair Islands in the middle of the Great Ocean and have small rivalry with the Wave Raiders, the pirates of the Olkair Islands.   The relationship between the Calvari and the pirates is complicated. While the Calvari are generally peaceful and focused on living in harmony with their environment, they are sometimes forced into conflict with the pirates, who often disregard the sanctity of the land and sea. However, there are instances of alliances and trade between the Calvari and certain pirate groups.
Alternative Name(s)
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Included Organizations
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The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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