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Carnarum Circuits

The Carnarum Circuits form the backbone of organized Carnarum play throughout the Namorian Republic. These diverse leagues, with the Forge Circuit as their progenitor and most prestigious example, represent the sport's grassroots and serve as a vital link between amateur play and the elite Astral League.

The Forge Circuit

Founded by Zoran Adrianus, a former gladiator turned Voicebearer, the Forge Circuit was the first attempt to bring structure and regulation to the chaotic early days of Carnarum. Based in Namor's industrial district, it quickly became the blueprint for organized Carnarum play across the Republic.   Key features of the Forge Circuit include:
  • A focus on traditional, often more physical playstyles
  • Strong connections to working-class communities and local industry
  • A reputation for producing gritty, resilient players
  • Some of the most passionate and loyal fan bases in the sport


In the early days of Carnarum, matches were unregulated, leading to frequent outbreaks of violence and riots in the aftermath of particularly contentious games. These disturbances began to threaten the stability and order of the city, prompting a heated debate within the Chamber of Voices, the Namorian Republic's legislative assembly.   Some members of the Chamber called for an outright ban on Carnarum, arguing that the sport's violent nature posed a direct threat to public safety and civil order. Even before the trouble, Carnarum had attracted the attention of Zoran Adrianus, a former gladiator who had risen to become a prominent Voicebearer. He led moderate voices within the Chamber who succesfully advocated for regulation rather than prohibition.   Adrianus offered to bring structure and organization to the burgeoning sport under his guidance. As a result, most of the teams within the city agreed to come together under the banner of first official Carnarum league, the Forge Circuit, under the watchful eye of the city authorities. Many other local competitions were set up, all known as Circuits, across the Republic with similar structures and rules, but none have even come close to rivalling the popularity and prestigue of the Forge Circuit.   Not all regions and teams within the geographically expansive Namorian Republic were willing to submit to the new regulations. In the far-flung reaches of the Republic, a number of underground and unregulated leagues continued to operate, often embracing a more violent and chaotic style of play that stood in stark contrast to the increasingly structured, organized, yet still brutal matches of the Forge Circuit.

Circuit Structure and Rules

The Carnarum Federation, the sport's governing body, intentionally keeps Circuit rules vague to allow for regional variation and independence. This flexibility has led to a rich diversity of teams, games, and league structures across the Republic. Basic rules common to most Circuits include:
  • Matches are played between two teams, with the goal of scoring points by delivering the bloodstone to the opponent's goal.
  • Physical contact is allowed, but the degree of violence permitted varies between Circuits.
  • Matches are typically divided into two halves, though the duration can vary.
  • Substitutions are allowed, though the specific rules for substitution differ between Circuits.
  • Referees are present to enforce rules and maintain order, but their level of intervention varies.
Beyond these basics, Circuits have significant latitude to establish their own rules and traditions. This has led to a wide variety of league structures and playstyles, including:
  • All-male or all-female leagues
  • Non-violent or "friendly" leagues that focus more on skill and strategy
  • Circuits that closely emulate Astral League rules
  • Hybrid leagues that incorporate elements from other sports or local traditions
  • Inter-Circuit Competition - Some Circuits have banded together to create unofficial "super leagues" or cup competitions, pitting the best teams from different circuits against each other.
  • Promotion and Relegation - Many Circuits employ a system where top-performing teams can be promoted to higher-level competitions, while underperforming teams face relegation
  • Regional Focus - Forge Circuits typically operate at a local, city or regional level, with multiple circuits in larger urban areas.
  • Varied Regulations - While all Circuits follow a basic set of rules established by the Carnarum Federation, individual circuits often have unique local regulations and traditions.

Notable Circuits

While the Forge Circuit remains the most famous and prestigious, numerous other Circuits have gained prominence across the Republic:
  • Lyrea Miners' Circuit - Known for its underground arenas and emphasis on close-quarters combat.
  • Coastal Cities Circuit - Features matches played on beaches and floating platforms, incorporating maritime themes.
  • Mountain Halls Circuit - Plays in high-altitude arenas, with rules adapted for thinner air and treacherous terrain.
  • Scholars' League - A non-violent Circuit popular among universities, focusing on strategy and finesse.

Relationship with the Astral League

While the Circuits and the Astral League operate independently, there is a complex relationship between them:
  • The Circuits serve as a talent pipeline for the Astral League, with top performers often being recruited to elite teams.
  • Some Circuits intentionally adopt rules similar to the Astral League to better prepare players for potential advancement.
  • During major tournaments like the Grand Carnarum Spectacular, Circuit teams may compete against Astral League teams with Astral League rules, though they rarely match the elite league's level of play.
Founding Date
Financial, Merchant League
Parent Organization
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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