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Fort Seraphin

The home of the Desert Eagles, the 12th Army of the Republic

Fort Seraphin, nestled in the rugged mountain pass and valley of the Great Desert, stands as a bastion of strength and a symbol of resilience against the harsh elements and potential threats that lurk beyond. This formidable fortress, strategically positioned along the river that winds its way toward the Vaeloran Coast, serves as the headquarters of the 12th Army, the Desert Eagles.   Constructed with sturdy stone walls and fortified towers, Fort Seraphin commands a commanding view of the surrounding landscape, providing an ideal vantage point to monitor and defend the crucial passage. The fort's architecture seamlessly blends with the natural terrain, enhancing its camouflage and making it a challenging target for any adversaries.   Within its sturdy walls, the bustle of military life can be witnessed. Soldiers clad in the distinctive colours and insignia of the 12th Army diligently carry out their duties, training relentlessly to hone their skills and prepare for the challenges they may face in the desert expanse. The clatter of weapons and armour resonates through the training grounds, intermingled with the shouts of commanders issuing orders and the disciplined footsteps of troops on the move.   Fort Seraphin also houses various facilities that sustain the army's operations. Barracks provide shelter and respite for the soldiers, while armouries store an array of weaponry and equipment. Training grounds and drill yards allow for rigorous exercises and mock battles, ensuring the soldiers' readiness for combat scenarios. The command centre, adorned with maps and strategic plans, serves as the nerve centre for coordinating missions and communicating with the Great Desert Governorate.   Despite its militaristic purpose, Fort Seraphin is not devoid of a sense of camaraderie and unity. In the evenings, around campfires and mess halls, soldiers share stories and forge bonds that transcend the hardships they endure. The valour and brotherhood exhibited within these walls foster a strong esprit de corps, reinforcing their collective resolve to protect the Namorian Republic's interests and maintain peace in the region.
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Ruling/Owning Rank


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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