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Halmere's Halls

Halmere's Halls is a bustling, crowded district located in the northeastern part of Namor, the capital city of the Namorian Republic. Situated just north of the High Market, this area is known for its slightly less salubrious character and its densely packed, aging buildings. Once a separate town outside the old inner walls of Namor, Halmere's Halls has since been incorporated into the city proper, now lying within the Outer Walls constructed some 300 years ago.


The district takes its name from Halmere the Hospitable, a legendary tavern keeper who lived during the early days of the Kingdom of Namoria. According to local lore, Halmere's establishment served as a sanctuary for travelers, outcasts, and anyone in need of a warm meal and a place to rest. His generosity and open-door policy became so renowned that the entire area around his tavern eventually adopted his name.   Originally built around an old fort, the town of Halmere's Halls grew organically over the centuries, with narrow streets and tightly-packed buildings springing up to accommodate its swelling population. When the Outer Walls were constructed, engulfing the formerly separate settlement, Halmere's Halls became a proper district of Namor, though it retained much of its distinct character.

Character and Reputation

Today, Halmere's Halls is known for its slightly run-down appearance and crowded conditions. The buildings here are generally older than in other parts of Namor, with many structures dating back several centuries. Narrow, winding streets and tall, leaning tenements create a maze-like atmosphere that can be bewildering to outsiders but provides a sense of familiarity and security to longtime residents.

Refuge and Sanctuary

Halmere's Halls has long been recognized as a haven within the city, offering refuge to various groups and individuals. This role as a refuge has contributed significantly to the district's diverse and often transient population, as well as its reputation for tolerance and discretion.
  • Newcomers and Immigrants - For many arrivals to Namor, Halmere's Halls serves as their first home in the city. The abundance of cheap, if cramped, housing and the availability of casual work make it an ideal starting point for those looking to establish themselves in the capital. The district's diverse population and relatively tolerant atmosphere provide a softer landing for those adjusting to life in Namor.
  • The Downtrodden and Dispossessed - Those who have fallen on hard times often find themselves in Halmere's Halls. The district's informal economy and network of charitable organizations offer opportunities for those struggling to get back on their feet.
  • Political Dissidents and Freethinkers - The maze-like streets and general atmosphere of permissiveness in Halmere's Halls have made it a favored location for those seeking to avoid unwanted attention. Underground printing presses and clandestine meeting spots can be found tucked away in the district's many nooks and crannies.
  • Artists and Performers - The district's low rents and bohemian atmosphere have attracted a community of artists, musicians, and performers. Many find inspiration in the district's vibrant street life and diverse inhabitants.
  • Those Seeking Anonymity - From elites looking to indulge in discreet vices to individuals fleeing personal troubles, Halmere's Halls offers a degree of anonymity not found in other parts of Namor.

Notable Locations

Tur's Rest

At the heart of Halmere's Halls stands Tur's Rest, a sprawling house of entertainment housed in what was once the district's central fort. Named after a minor deity of revelry, Tur's Rest offers a wide array of diversions, from gambling and theatrical performances to more intimate entertainments. The transformation of a military fortification into a pleasure palace is seen by many as emblematic of Halmere's Halls itself – a place where the rigid structures of society give way to more fluid and hedonistic pursuits.

The Burrows

"The Burrows" is the local name for a particularly dense network of alleyways and tenements in the eastern part of the district. This area is known for its overcrowded living conditions but also for its strong sense of community among residents. Many of Namor's immigrant communities have established footholds in The Burrows, creating a vibrant patchwork of cultures and cuisines.

The Underpasses

While not officially part of Halmere's Halls, the network of canals and tunnels that run beneath the High Market and connect the district to the Harbor are crucial to its economy and character. These shadowy passages provide routes for goods, people, and information to flow in and out of the district, bypassing the more regulated thoroughfares of the city above.

Economic Activity

Despite its somewhat disreputable character, Halmere's Halls plays a vital role in Namor's economy. The district is a hive of small-scale commerce, with countless workshops, market stalls, and small businesses operating out of ground floors and basements. Many residents find employment in the nearby High Market or travel through the Underpasses to work in the Harbor's warehouses and shipyards.   The entertainment industry, both legal and illicit, also provides a significant source of income for the district. From street performers and fortune-tellers to the proprietors of gambling dens and brothels, there's no shortage of entrepreneurs looking to separate visitors from their coins.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson by Midjourney


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