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Kingdom of Bhiren

The Kingdom of Bhiren, nestled amidst the formidable Thrymbarth Mountains, is an enigmatic land shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Its formidable landscape, populated by towering peaks, glacial valleys, and isolated villages, has fostered a people renowned for their distinct customs and traditions. The Kingdom of Bhiren's impenetrable isolation and captivating culture have endowed it with a mystique that few lands can match.   The Kingdom of Bhiren only has occasional contact with the Kingdom of Set, owing to it's remote location.

Geography and Climate

Bhiren's geography is largely shaped by the Thrymbarth Mountains' dominant presence. Snow-capped peaks and glacial valleys characterize the landscape, making it a challenging and harsh environment. The Bhirenese have adapted to their environment, developing unique ways to cope with the demanding weather patterns and rugged terrain. Despite the harsh conditions, the region is known for its striking beauty, attracting a few adventurous travelers who dare to brave its challenges.

Culture and Society

The Bhirenese are a people whose culture and society have been deeply influenced by their rugged, isolated environment. They have developed unique customs and traditions that differentiate them from their neighbors. These range from traditional crafts and unique architectural styles adapted to the mountainous landscape, to complex social rituals and local folklore filled with tales of massive beasts and savage barbarian tribes.

The Connection to Marithal Basin

The Kingdom of Bhiren holds a peculiar connection to the ancient ruins found in the Marithal Basin. The few who have managed to visit both regions have noted striking similarities between the Bhirenese architectural and artistic styles and those of the ancient Marithal civilization. This has led to speculation of an ancient path connecting the two regions, bypassing the sea route. However, this is a subject of debate, with some attributing these similarities to coincidence or shared ancient heritage rather than direct interaction.   The Bhirenese are rumoured to guard the secret of this potential mountain pass closely, adding to the sense of mystery surrounding the kingdom. However, the existence of such a pass remains speculative, with many dismissing it as mere imagination.

Life Beyond the Thrymbarth Mountains

Although the Kingdom of Bhiren is considered isolated, tales of life beyond the Thrymbarth Mountains persist among the Bhirenese. Legends tell of colossal beasts and hordes of barbarians living in the unforgiving lands beyond the mountains. Yet these stories are often dismissed as folklore, for the Thrymbarth range is impassable, precluding the existence of civilizations within or beyond it.   The Kingdom of Bhiren remains an enigma, an isolated corner of the world where the inhabitants' unique culture and traditions continue to thrive against the backdrop of their challenging and majestic surroundings. As it stands, the kingdom continues to resist the intrusion of outside influence, preserving its ancient ways and deep-rooted mysteries.


The Kingdom of Bhiren has a unique organizational structure that has been shaped by its geographic isolation and unique cultural heritage. Its social and political systems are marked by a blend of communal decision-making, religious leadership, and limited monarchic rule. The Kingdom of Bhiren's organizational structure, therefore, is a blend of spiritual leadership, elder wisdom, and clan authority, maintaining a balance that has sustained this isolated society through centuries of existence.
  • The Monarchy - At the apex of Bhirenese society is the King, a figure more spiritual than political. The King is regarded as the earthly representative of the divine, responsible for maintaining harmony between the people and the spiritual realm. However, the King's rule is not absolute; he governs in concert with other elements of Bhirenese society.
  • The Council of Elders - Alongside the King, an influential Council of Elders plays a significant role in the Kingdom's governance. This Council, composed of respected elders from each of the Kingdom's numerous clans, serves as an advisory body to the King. It also acts as a decision-making body on matters affecting the whole Kingdom. The Council of Elders in Bhirenese is referred to as the "Nyishog Sa", meaning "Council of Wisdom". The term "Nyishog" translates to wisdom, and "Sa" denotes a council or gathering.
  • Clan Leaders - Within the Kingdom of Bhiren, society is organized into numerous clans, each inhabiting its village or collection of villages. Every clan is led by a Clan Leader, typically the elder with the most wisdom and experience. Clan Leaders oversee the daily affairs of their clans, resolve internal disputes, and represent their clans in the Council of Elders. Each Clan Leader is known as a "Gyap", a term signifying respect and authority in the Bhirenese language. This title is bestowed upon the elder who has demonstrated wisdom, leadership, and has been chosen by consensus to lead the clan.
  • Religious Leadership - Religious leaders, or monks, hold a unique position in Bhirenese society. Given the spiritual nature of the Kingdom, monks serve both religious and social roles, offering spiritual guidance, educating the younger generation, and mediating conflicts. Monasteries scattered throughout Bhiren often serve as centers of learning and community gathering.
  • Common People - At the base of Bhirenese society are the common people known as the "Mi", who are primarily involved in subsistence farming, animal husbandry, and various crafts. Although they don't hold formal political power, their voice matters in local matters, with community meetings frequently held to discuss and decide on issues concerning their village or clan.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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