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The eternal mountains of Orynthia

The formidable mountain range that stretches across the continent of Orynthia, shrouded in myths, legends, and untamed wilderness, bears the name of Thrymbarth.


  Thrymbarth, often referred to as the "Veil of Titans" due to its colossal size and majestic grandeur, forms an imposing barrier running north to south, dividing the lands it traverses. Its peaks, perpetually cloaked in snow and veiled by swirling mists, create an aura of mystery and awe. The range is a place of great significance and reverence among the inhabitants of Karida, Theron, and Set, each culture assigning their unique names and mythologies to the mountains.   Legends and folklore surrounding Thrymbarth tell of ancient giants who once roamed the peaks, shaping the land with their mighty footsteps and casting spells that bind the mountains to this day. These tales warn of the perils lurking within the range, where treacherous creatures and spirits make their dwelling, guarding the secrets hidden amidst the rugged terrain.   Despite its immense allure, Thrymbarth remains unconquered and uncharted, a realm untouched by human exploration. Countless expeditions have been attempted, yet the treacherous conditions, relentless storms, and the sheer scale of the range have thwarted all endeavors to traverse its expanse. The mountain tribes dwelling at the foothills of Thrymbarth possess intimate knowledge of the land's secrets, passing down ancestral wisdom and cautionary tales from generation to generation.   The names bestowed upon Thrymbarth by the people of Karida, Theron, Eldorath, and Set signify their reverence, fear, and respect for the mountains' enigmatic presence. While the Eyndor, Stormforge Peaks, and Eternal Mountains evoke different aspects of their perception, they all acknowledge the immense power and untamed beauty held within Thrymbarth's icy grasp.   Scholars, storytellers, and adventurers alike are captivated by the mystique of Thrymbarth, yearning to unravel its secrets and witness the untouched majesty hidden within its snow-capped peaks. However, the Veil of Titans remains a formidable testament to the indomitable forces of nature, a constant reminder of the boundaries that define the world of Orynthia and the enduring allure of the unknown.

Fauna & Flora

Within the majestic realm of Thrymbarth, a diverse array of flora and fauna thrives, adapted to the harsh and rugged conditions of the mountain range.


  • Titansvine - This hardy climbing vine is adorned with delicate, bell-shaped flowers that bloom in shades of pale blue and silver. It clings to rocky crevices, its tendrils displaying a remarkable resistance to extreme cold and high altitudes.
  • Snowthistle - A striking plant with spiky, silver-blue leaves and vibrant purple flowers, the Snowthistle can withstand frigid temperatures and icy winds. It is often found growing in clusters along rocky slopes, adding a touch of colour to the otherwise stark landscape.
  • Iceberry Bush - These small shrubs bear round, translucent berries that glisten like frozen dewdrops. The berries are a valuable food source for various mountain-dwelling creatures, and their tart flavour provides a refreshing taste to those brave enough to withstand the chill.


  • Eyndor Lynx - A predatory feline species native to the northern Thrymbarth, the Lynx possesses a thick, white fur coat that aids in camouflage amidst the snow-covered terrain. It is known for its keen hunting instincts and agility, able to traverse the treacherous slopes with ease.
  • Mountain Hare - A small herbivorous mammal perfectly adapted to the harsh alpine environment, the Mountain Hare features a thick coat of fur that changes color from brown in summer to pure white in winter. Its large hind legs allow for swift movements and impressive leaps to evade predators.
  • Perry's Falcon - This predatory bird species is renowned for its exceptional hunting skills and ability to soar through icy gusts of wind. Perry's Falcon possesses a white and grey plumage, enabling it to blend seamlessly into the snowy backdrop as it searches for prey.
  • Thrymbarth Ibex - A sure-footed mountain ungulate, the Thrynbarth Ibex has long, curved horns and a thick coat of fur that provides insulation against the cold. These agile creatures are adept climbers, effortlessly navigating the steep cliffs and rocky slopes of Thrymbarth in search of nourishment.
  • Hawk-Eagle - The Hawk-Eagle is a magnificent raptor that soars the skies of Thrymbarth, displaying remarkable strength and agility. With a wingspan spanning several feet, it is perfectly adapted to navigate the turbulent mountain winds. Its plumage boasts a mix of brown and white feathers, blending harmoniously with the rocky terrain and snowy peaks. Known for its sharp vision and swift diving attacks, the Hawk-Eagle is a formidable hunter, preying upon smaller birds and mammals that dwell within the mountain range.
These represent only a fraction of the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit the awe-inspiring Thrymbarth. The mountain range is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of life in extreme environments, offering a rich tapestry of unique species.
Alternative Name(s)
Veil of Titans, Boundless Mountains, Eyndor, Stormforge Peaks, Eternal Mountains
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Organizations
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