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Nocturne Circle

The Nocturne Circle is a clandestine and elusive sect operating within the enigmatic Nightfall Society, devoted to the worship and restoration of the deity Tenebris  in the Namorian Pantheon. Delving even deeper into the mysteries of Tenebris, the Nocturne Circle harbours a fervent desire to elevate their patron god to a position of prominence and equal reverence among the pantheon's deities.   Driven by their unyielding belief that balance can only be achieved through the recognition of Tenebris's supreme power, the members of the Nocturne Circle manoeuvre with utmost secrecy and subtlety within the shadows of Namorian society. They operate in the realm of intrigue and manipulation, employing a variety of covert methods to further their agenda and reshape the perception of Tenebris within the pantheon and the wider society.   While the Nightfall Society as a whole is viewed with suspicion and wariness, the Nocturne Circle represents an even more secretive and radical faction within its ranks. Their ideology extends beyond the mere restoration of Tenebris's influence, for they see the darkness that he embodies as the ultimate force, the final destination that everything inevitably returns to. Some among their clandestine ranks even regard Tenebris as the most powerful deity, as the ultimate source from which all existence is born and to which it ultimately succumbs.   The Nocturne Circle is a covert assembly of individuals who operate behind veils of secrecy, evading the watchful eyes of both society and the Namorian Pantheon. Through their carefully calculated manoeuvres and subtle machinations, they strive to undermine the established order and subtly reshape the perceptions and beliefs of the faithful. Their agenda remains shrouded in darkness, known only to those deemed worthy of initiation into their innermost circle.   While the Nocturne Circle treads a treacherous path, their actions are fuelled by a fervent conviction that the pantheon must embrace the enduring power of darkness to achieve true balance. Their dedication to their cause knows no bounds as they work tirelessly to restore Tenebris's position and reshape the very fabric of Namorian worship. Yet, their efforts are pursued with caution, for the consequences of their actions could potentially unravel the delicate equilibrium that exists between light and darkness within the pantheon.   Operating deep within the shadows, the Nocturne Circle remains an enigma to most, its existence whispered only among the most trusted members of the Nightfall Society. Their unwavering pursuit of their clandestine agenda is characterized by secrecy, manipulation, and a profound belief in the enduring power of darkness that lies at the heart of their secretive order.
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Midnight Cabal
Notable Members


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Character flag image: by Thomas Whitehouse


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