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Rite of the Eternal Watch

The Rite of the Eternal Watch is a sacred and solemn ritual performed in the Cathedral of Eternal Vigilance, dedicated to Adal, the minor god of justice. This rite allows devoted followers to continue their vigil over the dispensation of justice even after death, by having their remains interred within the cathedral's ossuary.

The Ritual Process

  • Preparation of the Body - After death, the body of the devoted is carefully prepared by specially trained morticians. The flesh is removed from the bones through a meticulous cleaning process, often involving boiling and scraping.
  • Purification - The cleaned bones are then blessed and purified in a ceremony led by high-ranking clerics of Adal. This involves the recitation of sacred texts and the application of holy oils and incense.
  • Arrangement - The bones are carefully arranged within the Ossuary, with special attention given to positioning the skull so that it faces the main hall of the cathedral where judgments are passed.
  • Final Blessings - A final blessing is performed, invoking Adal's eternal vigilance and asking for the deceased's spirit to remain as a watchful guardian of justice.

Special Considerations for the Privileged

For those of high standing or significant wealth, an additional step is taken - Reliquary Creation - A specially crafted reliquary in the shape of the deceased's head is created. The skull is placed within, with a glass front allowing the empty eye sockets to gaze out upon the proceedings of the cathedral.
  • These reliquaries are often made of gold to prevent tarnishing, but can be crafted from any material the deceased specified in life.
  • They may be adorned with precious gems or kept austere, depending on the individual's wishes or status.
  • Judges, notable lawyers, and other figures of justice are often granted this honor.

Spiritual Significance

The Rite of the Eternal Watch is believed to serve several spiritual purposes:
  • Continued Service - It allows the devoted to continue serving Adal and the cause of justice beyond death.
  • Eternal Vigilance - The presence of these watchful remains is thought to lend an air of solemnity and accountability to the proceedings in the cathedral.
  • Inspiration - The visible reminders of those who dedicated their lives to justice serve as inspiration for the living to uphold these ideals.
  • Divine Favor - It is believed that those who undergo this rite receive special favor from Adal in the afterlife.

Sanctification of the Rite

The Rite of the Eternal Watch is sanctified through several means:
  • Divine Approval - The rite is said to have been approved by Adal himself, revealed through a vision to the first High Justice of the cathedral.
  • Sacred Texts - Passages from holy texts detailing the importance of eternal vigilance in matters of justice are recited during the ceremony.
  • Blessed Materials - All tools and materials used in the preparation and interment are blessed and consecrated before use.
  • Ritual Purity - Those performing the rite must undergo purification rituals and maintain a state of spiritual cleanliness throughout the process.
  • Annual Renewal - Once a year, a ceremony is held to renew the blessings on all the remains in the Ossuary, reaffirming their sacred purpose.
The Rite of the Eternal Watch is a powerful symbol of dedication to justice and the enduring nature of vigilance in the face of injustice. It serves as a reminder to all who enter the Cathedral of Eternal Vigilance that the eyes of the past are always upon them, watching and judging their actions in the pursuit of true justice.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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Aug 21, 2024 06:19

Interesting practices and belief. It seems an Adaline School rather than the traditional.