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Tellus, a major deity within the Namorian Pantheon, holds sway over the very essence of solidity and earthly matter. As a prominent figure among the Earthly Divines, Tellus is venerated as the god of elemental solids, encapsulating the enduring and unyielding nature of the terrestrial realm.



Tellus is personified in the ancient depictions of the Namorian Pantheon, a visage that resonates with the raw power and solidity of the terrestrial realm. Standing tall and robust, he embodies the strength of mountains and the endurance of stone.   His weathered countenance bears the marks of countless eons, portraying the wisdom etched into the very bedrock of existence. Balding and adorned with a cascading grey beard, Tellus exudes a timeless aura, his appearance reflecting the resilience of the earth's surface.   Massive hands, calloused and tough, speak of the sculpting touch that has shaped the landscapes and formed the mountains. These powerful appendages serve as a symbol of creation and the unwavering strength that defines Tellus's essence.   Tellus sits upon a carved stone throne within the confines of a sacred chamber or cave. The throne itself bears intricate carvings depicting the cycles of growth, the dance of minerals, and the intertwining roots of life. His stoic expression, barely human-like, conveys the solemn responsibility of holding the world's foundation in his hands.

Minor Gods Associated with Tellus

Within the vast and diverse realm governed by Tellus a pantheon of minor deities emerges, each presiding over specific facets of the terrestrial domain. These minor gods personify elements of earth, metal, and geographical features, embodying the intricacies that make up the rich tapestry of Tellus's influence. While distinct in their roles, these deities collectively contribute to the harmonious balance upheld by Tellus, fostering a profound connection with the earthly realm.  
  • Galdor, God of Metalsmiths and Forgers - Galdor stands as the patron deity for metalsmiths and forgers, guiding them in the transformative art of shaping metal. Devotees seek his blessings for craftsmanship, creativity, and the mastery of metallurgical processes.
  • Ysira, Goddess of Precious Stones and Gems - Ysira holds sway over the world's precious stones and gems, representing the beauty and rarity found within the earth. Followers invoke her for inspiration in jewelry crafting, gemology, and the appreciation of crystalline wonders.
  • Stryx, God of Cold and Icy Places - Stryx governs the frigid landscapes and icy realms, embodying the essence of cold and frozen environments. His influence extends to snowy mountains, glaciers, and regions where winter's chill holds dominion.
  • Orlan, God of Mountains and High Places - Orlan, the god of mountains and high places, presides over the majestic peaks that reach towards the heavens. Those who revere him find inspiration in the grandeur of elevated landscapes and the enduring strength of rocky summits.
  • Kydros, God of Ice - Kydros holds dominion over water in its frozen form, overseeing the crystalline beauty of ice. Followers seek his favor for matters related to frozen landscapes, glaciers, and the transformative nature of ice.
  • Aranthea, Goddess of Caves and Underground Places - Aranthea is the revered goddess associated with caves and subterranean realms. Distinct from Reveka, the goddess of finding lost things, Aranthea is venerated for the mysterious allure and hidden wonders dwelling within earth's depths.
  • Zorin, God of Seismic Activity and Earthquakes - Zorin personifies seismic forces and earthquakes, embodying the dynamic nature of the earth's shifting crust. Those who acknowledge Zorin seek protection and understanding in the face of geological upheavals.
  • Callia, Goddess of the Desert and Arid Regions - Callia governs the arid landscapes of deserts, embodying the resilience required to thrive in harsh and dry environments. Devotees turn to Callia for strength in adapting to the challenges of desert life.
  • Luterus , God of Bricks and Kilns - Luterus oversees the transformative process of firing bricks and the operation of kilns. Artisans and builders invoke his name for guidance in crafting durable structures from the earth's clay.

Worship of Tellus and The Korovar

The veneration of Tellus, the god of earth and elemental solids, permeates the spiritual fabric of the Namorian Pantheon. Central to this worship is the Korovar, the esteemed religious institution that stands as the recognized church dedicated to Tellus. Nestled within the Temple District of Namor City, The Korovar is a beacon of devotion, drawing Tellurians into its sacred halls. The faithful partake in rituals celebrating the cycles of growth, decay, and regeneration, fostering a harmonious connection with the earth. While The Korovar represents the mainstream worship of Tellus, there exist minor cults and sects that offer unique perspectives, each with its own rituals and practices influenced by the distinct aspects of Tellus.  

Relationships with Other Divines

Tellus, the god of earth and solid things, weaves a tale of connections and mysteries within the Namorian Pantheon, where the divine forces represent the essences of the world through the eyes of the many people  
  • Lux (Goddess of Light) - Tellus and Lux dance in a strange partnership, where the shining realm of Lux seems to make the crystals and rocks in Tellus's embrace sparkle and glow. Some say Lux's light pierces through the depths of the earth, revealing hidden treasures and sacred stones. Yet, in the dark, Tellus stands firm, holding the secrets of the hidden world beneath.
  • Tenebris (God of Darkness) - In the deep embrace of the night, Tellus finds kinship with Tenebris, the keeper of shadows. It's said that in the quiet dark places, where earth meets the unknown, Tenebris finds a silent companion. The cool solidity of the earth provides solace to Tenebris's enigmatic nature.
  • Anancia (Goddess of Change) - Anancia's ever-changing spirit brings both awe and uncertainty. Tellus, though grounded, acknowledges the whispers of change echoing through the rocks and hills. Erosion and the shifting of stones become the dance of Anancia's unseen influence, painting tales of transformation on the canvas of the earth.
  • Harnar (God of Stability and Order) - Tellus and Harnar stand hand in hand, guardians of the unwavering ground and architects of cosmic balance. Stability and order intertwine, creating a tapestry where the rocks and soils form the very fabric of existence. Harnar's scales of justice find resonance in the sturdy landscapes shaped by Tellus.
  • Shu (Goddess of Air) - The breezy whispers of Shu sometimes playfully toy with Tellus's solid realms. Wind, the unseen force, dances with the earth, shaping dunes and carving canyons. Though they may seem to play, there's a silent agreement that breathes life into the world, an unspoken pact between earth and air.
  • Undine (God of Water) - The gentle lapping of waves against the rocks tells a story of Tellus and Undine's intricate connection. Liquid embraces the solid, the rivers carving their paths through the rocks, and the rain leaving its tender kiss on the earth. Their relationship mirrors the ever-changing flow of life.
  • Atar (God of Fire) - Atar, the fiery force of transformation, shares a paradoxical dance with Tellus. Fire, born from the embrace of solid matter, forges its path through the landscapes Tellus sculpts. The warmth of Atar's flames plays a role in the cycle of life, offering both destruction and renewal. The earth may resist, but Atar's dance leaves its mark, creating volcanic landscapes and igniting the forge of creation.

Divine Domains

Tellus presides over the fundamental domain of elemental solids, embodying the strength, stability, and resilience inherent in the earth. His influence extends to various manifestations of solidity, including rocks, minerals, metals, and the very ground beneath our feet. As the god of the terrestrial plane, Tellus is intricately connected to the physical world, shaping landscapes and nurturing life through the foundational elements of the earth.

Holy Books & Codes

The sacred teachings and wisdom attributed to Tellus are enshrined within the revered texts housed in The Korovar. These manuscripts, collectively known as The Korovar Scrolls, delve into the intricate relationship between Tellus and the material realm. Written by esteemed sages and scholars, the scrolls provide ethical guidelines for sustainable practices and responsible coexistence. Tellurians turn to these sacred writings to deepen their understanding of the divine's role in the natural world. The teachings emphasize the profound interconnectedness between the divine and earthly existence, guiding followers in their pursuit of environmental stewardship. While The Korovar Scrolls serve as the primary repository of divine knowledge, minor cults may have their own supplementary texts, each offering a unique interpretation of Tellus's teachings

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tellus's divine goals align with the preservation and nurturing of the terrestrial domain. While overt goals include the promotion of stability, resilience, and environmental balance, there exist secret and esoteric aspirations within the divine realm. The earthly god seeks to instill a deep appreciation for the bountiful resources bestowed by the earth, inspiring mortals to tread lightly upon the land and honor the cycles of growth, decay, and regeneration. Through The Korovar and its teachings, Tellus endeavors to guide his followers toward a profound connection with the physical realm and foster a sense of reverence for the foundational elements that shape the world.
Divine Classification


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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