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Sanctum Conclave

The Sanctum Conclave, is the esteemed governing body that oversees the affairs of the major temples within the Namorian Pantheon. This self-governing council serves as a meeting place for the leaders of the eight prominent temples dedicated to the major deities of the pantheon. Quartered within the Temple District of Namor City, this exclusive and influential council wields considerable power in matters pertaining to religious governance and the maintenance of sacred spaces.



Within the hallowed halls of the council chambers, the representatives of each major temple convene to discuss matters of common interest, including the upkeep and maintenance of the Temple District. As custodians of sacred spaces, the council members are entrusted with the responsibility of preserving the architectural splendour, spiritual sanctity, and historical heritage of the district. Through collaborative efforts, they ensure that the temples remain in a state of reverence and splendour, attracting countless pilgrims and worshippers from near and far.   The Sanctum Conclave boasts a diverse and illustrious membership, with each representative hailing from their respective temple's clergy and demonstrating unwavering devotion to their chosen deity. These esteemed individuals embody the wisdom, knowledge, and authority of their faith, wielding considerable influence within their respective religious communities. As they convene, they engage in spirited debates, sharing insights and seeking resolutions that uphold the sacred traditions and principles of the Namorian Pantheon.   However, since the Namorian Revolutionary War one notable absence within the Sanctum Conclave is the representation of Tenebris, the god of darkness. Despite its place within the pantheon, the worship of Tenebris has waned over the centuries, viewed with scepticism and indifference by many. The lack of serious contenders from the cult of Tenebris to sit on the council has perpetuated its absence, relegating the worship of the dark deity to the fringes of Namorian society.

Public Agenda

The primary objective of the Sanctum Conclave is to foster harmony and collaboration among the various temple leaders, ensuring that no single temple dominates the religious landscape or gains undue influence over others. Consensus and majority rule are key principles that guide the decision-making process within the council.    While individual temples retain autonomy in managing their own affairs, the council acts as a unifying force, maintaining the delicate balance between the divergent religious factions and preventing the rise of any one temple's supremacy.


Over time, the Sanctum Conclave has adapted to the shifting tides of politics, societal trends, and evolving religious practices. It remains an institution of great importance, upholding the principles of religious diversity, collaboration, and mutual respect. While its focus primarily revolves around the Temple District and the major temples, various offshoots and minor councils have emerged throughout the realm, catering to specialized aspects of worship and accommodating the diverse needs and interests of the faithful.   In the past, the council's ranks included a ninth position, traditionally reserved for the monarch. However, with the establishment of the Namorian Republic and the overthrowing of the monarchy, the government no longer interferes in religious matters and maintains a distinct separation of church and state. The council now functions independently, safeguarding the religious freedoms and upholding the sacred traditions of the Namorian Pantheon without direct influence from secular authorities.   As the Sanctum Conclave continues to guide and govern the religious institutions of Namor City, it remains a beacon of unity, collaboration, and reverence within the Namorian Pantheon. Through their collective wisdom and unwavering dedication, the council members ensure the preservation and vitality of the Temple District, allowing the faithful to find solace, enlightenment, and spiritual fulfilment within its sacred precincts.
Religious, Pantheon


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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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