Gerison Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Gerison family name is synonymous with power within Westaria. During the Era of Balance the clans of Westaria sought to establish and conquer new land throughout Timeuria. As a seafaring nation they sailed to nations on the edges of existence. Some of them landed on the uncolonized shores of Tidallis and began to expand throughout the archipelago. The vast plethora of resources there were brought back to Westaria under the leadership of Sveni and Skœdir Gerison.   Several clans stayed behind to establish new kingdoms and would eventually form the pirate nation of Tidallis. This laid the foundation for the Gerison family to become the Great King of Westaria. Years later, King Broddi Gerison would defeat one of the armies of the betrayers handily and cement him as the Great King of Westaria in the eyes of the other clans. During his reign many challenged him for the title of Great King and all failed in one on one combat against him. He earned the nickname the Grizzly for his extreme strength and ferocity in combat, and later this would be added to their house crest along with their trademark crossed axes on the rusty brown background.   An order was sent to Tidallis from King Broddi, demanding tribute be paid as they were an extended colony of the nation of Westaria. Knowing the battle prowess of the Gerison family, this request was met swiftly and is still honored to this day. TIdallis operates as its own country but still honors the traditions and gods of Westaria.
by AI generated using Nightcafe
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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