Brekkur Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Purpose / Function

Brekkur is the Capital of Westaria and it is where the current King Sigmund Gerison resides. It is where all Westarians come from and they pay homage annually to their gods in the capital at the Feast of Oceans. Brekkur is also where the majority of the countries spoils are located after they raid other settlements.


The city of Brekkur follows the traditional building processes of the nation of Westaria, however the structures are more permanent as this stronghold has been in place for thousands of years at this point. Various types of wood and stone are used to construct the homes near the center of the capital with animal hides and more rudementary materials used towards the outskirts and beyond the perimiter of Brekkur.


From a young age all Westarian men and women are trained in the art of battle. They learn to throw an axe almost as soon as they can walk. This leaves them with a fierce and large force for both defending and conquering new land. A significant naval force resides near its shores ready to defend at a moments notice. There are also large watch tower settlements along the coast on either side of Westaria to allow for an early warning system.


Brekkur started out as a small settlement of fierce warriors that landed on its shores from a different distant land. It quickly grew as they began to expand into the surrounding area and plunder resources from nearby countries. The Gerison family rose to power early in Westaria's inception for the many victories they provided it and eventually they ascended to the position of Great King of Westaria, and have ruled the nation with precision and power ever since.   Under the Gerison rule Brekkur has thrived and its storehouses are full with valuables plundered not only by Westaria but also tributes from Tidallis and the colonies they helped form there.   Due to their craving for war and conquest, the Westarians often find themselves at odds with nearby nations. This makes diplomatic relations tense and unpredictable between Stoze, Estrya, and Ustya. It has even caused a seemingly permanent maritime cold war between Drakoria and Westaria.


Tourism is extremely rare in the nation of Westaria, outsiders aren't neccessarily unwelcome but they are certainly distrusted. This can be unsettling for would be travelers. The only "Tourism" that does tend to occur is within the nation itself for major festivals and celebrations of victory.
Founding Date
10222 BE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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