Giradin Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Against the royal blue canvas, a silver falcon soars in majestic flight, surrounded by golden laurel leaves—a symbol of House Giradin, the paragon of extreme wealth and power in Ustya. The house motto, "Falco Regit Caelum" – The Falcon Rules the Sky, epitomizes their dominion over both the heavens and the vast riches that have adorned their family for generations. As the reigning monarchs of Ustya, House Giradin's emblem reflects their enduring legacy as rulers of the wealthiest realm in the world.   They played a major role in defending the realms against the betrayers in the Realmswar, sending one of the largest naval forces ever seen equipped with anti-dragon ballistas to defend Stoze alongside the Ravenswood family. They fought the dragons and the armies of Astarion back to Ashar(now known as Drakoria.) After battling them back to their domain they waited for reinforments and eventually invaded Astarions domain with the help of the Goddess Yena. They took down Astarion and took the spoils back home. With these new riches they would later established the wealthiest city in all of the material plane, Wolfwick, known as the Diamond of the East.   After these events the Hillford family of Obraria proposed to merge Ustya and Obraria into one nation to strengthen themselves even further and become the wealthiest and strongest nation in all of Timeuria. An agreement was made and they became one kingdom with a Duke ruling over the southwestern territory and the King having ultimate authority over the nation as a whole as well as governing the northern and eastern sides of Ustya. This was made official through a marriage between King William Hillford III and Princess Laurelia Giradin, forever joining not only the nation but the two families as well.

“Falco Regit Caelum” – The falcon rules the sky

by AI generated using Nightcafe
Controlled Territories

Articles under Giradin

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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