Hillford Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Hillford family is an extension of the Giradin family and are direct allies. One of the daughters of Ustya's King, Princess Laurelia Giradin married the King of Obraria in an effort to merge the two countries into a powerhouse. They grew in power before this point through diplomacy and trade with nations using several port cities with rich resource deposits within their country.   They supplied several nations during the Realmswar with the rare materials needed to make some of the strongest weapons and amor. Alongside the materials themselves, they also supplied training to some of the realms strongest armies. Their land was the furthest away from Ashar(now known as Drakoria.) This allowed them to have a defensible and safe training zone for the military forces of Obraria, Ustya, Estrya and Stoze.   This foothold was challenged by a section of the betrayer gods armies. They attacked after the armies returned to their respective countries. This was an attempt to stop the forces of good from preventing the takeover. They invaded on the southern edge of Obraria and quickly sacked and took over the town of Malwick, which even to this day stands a solemn abandoned reminder of years past. The King, responded swiftly with an all out blitz on Malwick and delivered another blow to the betrayers in the Realmswar. This however came at a cost that is seen even centuries later. A small memorial stands in the center of the abandoned city with King William Hillford III's name etched at the bottom. Out of respect for the lives lost on that day it remained empty.   The Hillford family was praised for their quick action and revered among citizens of Obraria. This coupled with the union between their family and the Giradin family secured them a position as one of the greatest houses of Timeuria.

“Fortitudo et Prosperitas” – Strength and Prosperity

by AI generated using Nightcafe
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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