Damerel Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Purpose / Function

Serving as the Western capital of the province of Obraria within the country of Ustya, it houses the Duke of Obraria, Sir Elowen Hillford. It allows for the quick export of goods from the western and southern side of the country. It also has an important role in expressing the needs of the citizens of the province of Obraria to King Reginald Arthur Giradin IV in Wolfwick.


The Castle in Damerel is massive in size, only dwarfed by the palace in Wolfwick. It is made from beautifully carved stones and has a perfect overview of the entire city and the ocean. The rest of the city, while not overly opulent, has an appearance that conveys its wealth without seeming to brazen. The majority buildings and streets have well crafted stones, with only the poorest areas of the city seeming to show any signs of wear at all. If any stones within the wealthier districts are in a state of disrepair they are replaced immediately.


The city of Damerel backs up to the ocean on one side which is littered with massive rocks that threaten to rip any ship trespassing its waters to shreds if they do not navigate with care. On the other side a river and the wilds of Damerel brush up against its exterior, containing enchantments that disorient and distract the mind making it hard to navigate their treacherous terrain. The city has massive reinforced walls that encompass the city have towers with arrow loops scattered across its exterior as well as ballista at various intervals. The gates are heavily fortified to prevent siege weapons from breaking through and tar and fire are at the ready to be dropped on any army that attempts this feat.   Their army is the second largest within Ustya and they also have the full support of the Diamond Legion from Wolfwick as well as their naval force if required.


Damerel was created by the Hillford family as they expanded Obraria in the early years of the miracles era. They established many alliances and trade treaties from its walls leading all the way up to the merging with Ustya and becoming a province rather than their own Kingdom. By merging the two nations under one banner, they now had more military support and the financial backing of the city of Wolfwick.   This unprecedented move allowed Damerel to become one of the wealthiest cities in all of Timeuria just behind Wolfwick. Joining forces they became the wealthiest nation overnight and were able to use their influence to negotiate better trade deals with Estrya, Westaria and Stoze.
Founding Date
240 ME
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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