Nabber Queen Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  In the darkest corners of the realm, where forbidden magic intertwined with the mysteries of the night, the Nabbers' origin tale unfolds. Legend speaks of a long-forgotten sorcerer, driven by a dark curiosity to enhance the predatory instincts of creatures and create the ultimate nocturnal hunters. Delving into forbidden arcane knowledge and experimenting with powerful enchantments, the sorcerer unknowingly unleashed chaotic energies that twisted the very fabric of nature.   As the sorcerer's experiment spiraled out of control, a new race emerged from the melding of dark magic and the essence of the night. The Nabbers were born, monstrous and with an insatiable hunger for the thrill of the hunt. The wild growth of horns, the powerful wings, and the telepathic abilities were unintended consequences of the sorcerer's meddling, creating a fearsome race that now stalks the shadows.   The Nabbers, initially driven by primal instincts, gradually formed colonies and established their hierarchy under the influence of the first Queen—a being of immense power created inadvertently by the sorcerer's magic. As the Nabbers adapted to their nocturnal existence, their mysterious origin became entwined with folklore and cautionary tales, whispered by those who encountered their terrifying presence and were lucky enough to survive.

Basic Information


The Noctaraptora Horrifica, simply named Nabbers by most, boasts a varied anatomy tailored for their predatory prowess. Adults, including the imposing Queen, exhibit a lean and streamlined build with a formidable wingspan, granting them swift and silent flight through the darkness. The elongated head features 2-3 wild-growing horns on each side, aiding in echolocation and complementing their specialized auditory organs. A muscular tail with a flexible tip serves a dual purpose in flight and as a potent weapon for grappling or striking prey. The bipedal stance, sharp claws, and dark leathery membrane covering their skin enhance their terrestrial capabilities. Overall, the Noctaraptora Horrifica embodies a masterful blend of adaptations, making them formidable and nightmarish hunters of the dark.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproduction of the Noctaraptora Horrifica is a mysterious and ritualistic process, tightly interwoven with their nocturnal nature. During the full moon, the Queen emits a unique pheromone that attracts potential mates from the colony. This triggers them to engage in fierce and ritualistic combat to determine the strongest bloodlines. The clashes are both a display of physical prowess and a test of strategic cunning, with the victors earning the right to mate with the Queen.   These ritualistic battles not only showcase the physical prowess of the participants but also serve as a means of natural selection, ensuring that only the strongest and most adaptable genes are passed down to the next generation. The winners of these combats are granted exclusive access to the Queen, reinforcing their status within the colony and contributing to the hierarchy based on strength and prowess. Once this concludes, the Queen retreats to her lair, usually located in caves or underground, to lay a clutch of eggs.   The colony, fiercely protective during this time, guards the Queen and her precious eggs. The eggs are incubated in a carefully regulated environment, with the Queen using her telepathic abilities to ensure their well-being. The offspring, sometimes reffered to as Nablings, hatch with an inherent telepathic connection, enabling them to communicate with the Queen from a young age.   The cycle of reproduction is integral to the survival and expansion of the Noctaraptora Horrifica colony, reinforcing their enigmatic and eerie presence in the dark corners of the world. The rituals surrounding their reproduction add a mystical and ominous layer to their lore, perpetuating the fear associated with these nocturnal hunters.   The birth of a new Queen among the Noctaraptora Horrifica is a momentous and rare occurrence, triggered by environmental cues and the release of specific pheromones by the reigning Queen. In response to these signals, the colony engages in a ritualistic ceremony, marking the commencement of the process. The Queen, utilizing her potent telepathic abilities, selects promising individuals within the colony to undergo a transformative pupal stage. During this phase, the chosen Nabbers experience significant physiological changes, including the development of enlarged telepathic nodes and alterations in horn structure. Upon completing the pupal stage, the selected Nabber emerges as the new Queen, a visually and functionally transformed leader with inherited telepathic connections. This awe-inspiring event ensures the continued adaptation and resilience of the colony, securing the lineage and leadership of the Noctaraptora Horrifica.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life cycle of the Noctaraptora Horrifica begins with the Queen laying a clutch of eggs in the safety of her lair, carefully guarded by the colony during the incubation period. The Queen, utilizing her telepathic abilities, monitors and regulates the conditions to ensure the successful development of the eggs.   Upon hatching, the young Nablings emerge with a natural telepathic connection to their Queen. In this early stage, they are relatively small and underdeveloped, forming packs or swarms to learn cooperative hunting strategies by observing the adult members.   As Nablings grow, their wings and horns undergo significant development. They engage in training exercises and sparring matches during adolescence to hone their combat abilities and establish dominance within the colony. The transition to adulthood is marked by the distinctive features of fully developed wings, wild-growing horns, and a versatile tail for both flight stability and ground-based attacks.   Reaching maturity, Nabbers take on their adult form, each exhibiting the unique, wild-growing horns that enhance their echolocation abilities. A Queen, in addition to these features, undergoes maturation with an increase in size and more pronounced telepathic nodes. Her role shifts towards reproductive leadership, ensuring the continuation and guidance of the colony.   The growth rate of the Noctaraptora Horrifica is influenced by environmental factors such as food availability, territory, and overall colony health. This staged development not only contributes to their adaptation to the nocturnal lifestyle but also reinforces the hierarchy within the colony, where strength and abilities earned through each stage play a crucial role in their societal structure.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for the Noctaraptora Horrifica are characterized by dark and dense areas, such as forests, caves, and underground chambers, where they can move stealthily and remain concealed during daylight hours. Thriving in ecosystems abundant with nocturnal creatures, these apex predators actively hunt small mammals, birds, and insects that are adapted to nighttime activities. Ideal habitats include caves or underground lairs, providing protection and a central point for colony activities, especially for the Queen during egg-laying and nurturing of the young. Forested areas near water sources contribute to the diversity of prey and sustain the overall ecosystem, while varied topography, including hills and cliffs, offers strategic advantages for flight and ambush tactics. The Noctaraptora Horrifica display adaptability to different climates, preferring temperate and subtropical regions but able to thrive in various environments. Their presence in these dark and mysterious habitats establishes them as masterful predators, perfectly adapted to the eerie corners of the material plane.

Biological Cycle

Following the new Queen's emergence, she, along with a cohort of chosen adults, leave their colony and embark on a nocturnal journey to find a suitable location for the new colony. Once a suitable site is identified, the Queen assumes a central role in establishing the new lair, utilizing her telepathic abilities to guide the construction and fortification of the colony. The selected adults, assist in securing the surroundings and preparing for the laying of eggs.   Once the lair is secure and prepared for eggs the reproductive rituals begin and a new colony is born. This continues until the colony reaches a size that is unsustainable for the area either due to lack of resources or physical constraints of the lair itself. This cycle repeats as they continue to expand in the darkest areas of Timeuria.


Nabber society revolves around a strict hierarchy led by the formidable Nabber Queen. The Queen is the largest and most powerful of their kind, capable of controlling the colony through telepathy. Her lair is a dark and foreboding place, filled with the spoils of countless hunts brought to her by loyal subjects.   Nabbers are organized into colonies, each with its own Queen. The Queens are not just leaders; they are the heart and mind of the colony. The hierarchy within the colony is based on size, strength, and cunning. Young Nabbers learn the ways of the hunt through a combination of instinct and observation, honing their skills to eventually rise through the ranks.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Noctaraptora Horrifica possesses a remarkable array of perception and sensory capabilities finely tuned for their nocturnal lifestyle. Their primary means of navigation and hunting lies in an intricate echolocation system housed in specialized auditory organs within their elongated heads. Emitting high-frequency sound waves, they can accurately interpret the echoes, allowing them to navigate in complete darkness and pinpoint prey with uncanny precision. This echolocation also serves as one form of communication within the colony. Additionally, their skin is highly sensitive to subtle vibrations, enabling them to detect movement in the air and on the ground. The Noctaraptora Horrifica's telepathic nodes further enhance their sensory capabilities, allowing them to convey thoughts and coordinate seamlessly within the colony. This combination of echolocation, vibration sensitivity and telepathy makes them unparalleled nocturnal hunters, striking fear into the hearts of those who cross their paths.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Noctaraptora Horrifica Regalis

Cover image: by AI generated using Nightcafe


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Dec 14, 2023 03:41

Good friend once shared a story he heard from his god.   "If you ain't in first, you're last" ~The Lost