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(a.k.a. The First Woman, Mother of Humankind, The Progenitor, etc.)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alex was not born per se; she created by the Initiator and designed by Herobrine as the first human woman. She was made to be the paradigm after which all subsequent human women would be patterned. Because she came into being not as a baby, but as a grown adult, assigning a definite age to her is difficult. Historians and students of mythology set her apparent age at creation as 20. She was created alongside Steve, the first human man.
Although the two were created together, they soon parted ways to spread humanity all over the earth. Alex went east, while Steve journeyed to the west. Along the way, she met, and occasionally joined forces with, the various humans who'd been created after her. She brought knowledge of agriculture and animal husbandry with her, helping human communities to grow from hunter-gatherers into farmers. Because of her expertise, loose clans were able to pack themselves into stable villages and cities.
Diamond Age humans were much more long-lived than people in later eras. Alex lived to be about 350 years old, and she remained strong and lively in her advanced age. She did not actually die, however; she was bequeathed the powers of a Creative and brought up to the Aether. She has since lived on a low plane there and can pass between it and the mortal dimensions at will.
Before the Initiator fell asleep, they made her an immortal with the powers of a Creative.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Many view Alex as the progenitor of the human race, along with Steve. Although the two never had children together, and it is not known if Alex had any biological children at all, they served as the models for all subsequent humans. Because of her status, there is a custom of calling human women the "Daughters of Alex."
As well as being the figurative mother of humankind, Alex was also a pioneer in agriculture and beastmastery for her fellow Diamond Age people. She discovered how to domesticate wild creatures into docile livestock for farming. With her skills, roaming steers became cattle, boars were tamed into pigs, and junglefowl became chickens, among other things. She was best known for her skills in enticing roaming wolves to ally with humans and serve as their companions.
Alex was granted the powers of a Creative alongside Steve. She lives with him at a lower plane of existence in the Aether. She can travel to the mortal dimensions at will, and when she does, she is known to construct dungeon-towers for adventurers to explore, with amazing treasures hiding in the centre.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite her much-appreciated skills in helping early humans form civilizations, thus helping them break free of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, Alex had her faults. She had good intentions, but took her ambition too far. She wanted to tame every animal, to have everything non-sapient ruled by humans and Other People. It was this original sin that led to the development of abusive grinder farms and overhunting of certain species. Which, in turn, aroused the anger of Herobrine and led to the Fall. Instead of owning up to her mistakes, Alex hid herself and her people. They feared Herobrine's wrath. When the ashes settled, she told them that she must go on a journey to right what had gone wrong. She spent the remainder of her time as a mortal walking the earth to demolish the grinders and find more sustainable means of agriculture. Once ambitious, now an atoner.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1 AP
Circumstances of Birth
Created as the first human woman.
Circumstances of Death
Did not actually die; was brought to the Aether to live as a Creative.
Long, ginger ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, with freckles
1.7 m
68 kg

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