Haxgate Settlement in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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This ancient city has held its reputation as the Stand-Between (that is, the Nether and the Overworld) for centuries. In fact, its very name bears that sentiment -- Haxgate is a Common corruption of a Nethertongue term meaning "door between the worlds." This bastion of trade and progress has anchored relationships between humans and piglins ever since its establishment. And to you, dear reader, it is the nesting place of our wonderful League of Explorers. Our movement was birthed within its boundaries. -- Description from Explorer's Manual


Haxgate is a primarily human settlement, with a decent mixture of piglins and zombie piglin living in areas close to the Portal District. Of the human population, a fair number are ethnic Nether Settlers and pass between the two dimensions regularly.


Haxgate operates under a municipal government with biannual elections for mayor, etc. Citizens of all races are encouraged to vote during election season.

Industry & Trade

Due to the Piglins and immediate access to the Nether, Haxgate exports a large amount of Nether Quartz, and has the largest (although still rather small) stores of Netherite materials.

Guilds and Factions

The most prominent guild found in Haxgate is the famed Explorer’s Guild, which was founded in the city. Their headquarters is in a large museum dedicated to the history and culture of the world.


Haxgate is most well-known for being where the first recorded Nether Portal was constructed in the Golden Age, beginning the great resurgence of science, and other things.


Tourists generally come to visit the large Nether Portal, which has only been shut down during the Nether Wars, or the headquarters of the Explorer’s League. Said Nether portal is also the means by which many enter the Nether for whatever purposes. It is better regulated and safer than smaller portals constructed randomly across the world.   Haxgate is also home to the largest Overworld temple to Hogimal


The city’s architecture can be likened to a fusion of the Nether, ancient humanity, and the more modern humanity, especially as Haxgate spread outward and upward into one of the largest cities on the Overworld.
Alternative Name(s)
Door Between the Worlds, Hahghsghad'hen (spelling varies)
Large city
Location under
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