Herobrine Character in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Hero)

He called, and the creatures listened. He touched the earth, and it brought forth vegetation. He moved his feet, and the earth bent to his will. He spoke to the sapient races, and they learned from him. But things would not always be so idyllic. His name became a curse rather than a blessing, through no fault of his own.

Divine Domains

  • Earth
  • Animal and plant life
  • Sapient races, especially humans
  • Crafting
  • Springtime

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Because of his close association with tending to animals and crafting things, agrarian and inventive imagery is often used in conjunction with imagery of Herobrine. He is frequently depicted holding a shepherd's crook or a pickaxe.


Herobrine's festival day is the beginning of spring, the vernal equinox.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To care for the living things on earth.

Physical Description

Body Features

Unlike his siblings, Herobrine does not have separate “godly” and “human” forms; they are one and the same with him. He appears as a short, slim human man with dark brown hair and medium brown skin. His Parent created him to be a form humans would be comfortable around. That is why he looks so plain and unimposing; he is also meant to appear ethnically ambiguous. Supposedly, he can appear in the form of other races if the need arises.
Herobrine is a transgender man, so he is significantly shorter than most men and has smaller hands and feet. He has scars on his chest from his magical “top surgery.”

Facial Features

His most iconic trait is his eyes, which always glow white. The intensity of that glow varies with the situation.
He has a faint beard. It doesn't really grow unless Herobrine wants it to.

Special abilities


  Chlorokinesis: Herobrine can make plants grow and revive them with his presence. He may weaponise the plants he makes as a form of combat. Trees often grow in places where Herobrine was sitting or laying down for an extended period of time.
Animal Whisperer: He has a special connection to animals, and can peacefully interact with otherwise dangerous creatures. Most notably, he befriended the Ender Dragon.
Second Sight: Although blind, Herobrine can make sense of his surroundings via his other senses, with minimal error. He can see living things and magical objects especially well. Given that the whole of the world has a bit of magic in it anyway, most things are visible to his second sight.
Channeling the Creator: Herobrine can receive messages and prophecy from his parent and relay them to humans. When he does this, his eyes glow very bright and his voice sounds otherworldly, like it isn’t wholly his own.
Resistance: He can withstand extreme conditions that humans would not be able to survive. Most notably, as a god he has no need to eat or sleep. Nevertheless, Herobrine still eats and sleeps the most out of his siblings, because he is the most similar to the humans he safeguards.
Teleportation: He has some mild teleportation abilities, like his siblings. This also allows him to teleport between dimensions without using a portal.
Levitation: He cannot fly, but he can float as though unaffected by gravity. He may do this in his sleep.
Invulnerability to Weapons: Traditional weapons generally do not harm Herobrine. He can be stabbed, shot with arrows, and speared with tridents without any damage done. As he is a god, Herobrine cannot be killed; however, he can be injured. Weapons made with anti-magical materials can hurt him. He also becomes more vulnerable to wounds when he is tired or emotionally distressed.


Blindness: Herobrine is completely blind, and his second sight is not perfect. He may bump into walls or misjudge where obstacles are placed. Especially if his environment has been manipulated without his knowledge.
Magic Neutralisation: He has a weakness to anti-magical materials, like Cigamite or Cold Iron. He also feels weaker in gloomy, closed-in areas away from nature.

Apparel & Accessories

Herobrine usually wears a nondescript shirt and pants with equally uninteresting shoes. From time to time, he may wear a long black cloak with a hood.
His weapon and tool of choice is a long scythe. He can make it sharp or dull at will. The former is for fighting, if the need arises. Most of the time, it is dull, and he uses it as a sort of symbolic shepherd's staff.
When in public, Herobrine often poses as a blind beggar by wearing a cloth over his eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After creating the first three gods of the second generation, the Initiator made a fourth child. The intent was that this child would care for the living creatures on the newly-formed earth—especially the humans and Other People. From water, fire, and the spirit of the End they formed their fourth child, a goddess named Herabrynn. It was not long, however, before Herabrynn came before the Initiator and confided something to them – that they were a man, not a woman, and their physical body had betrayed them. Being the caring parent that they are, the Initiator reshaped their body into a more masculine one, made them a god rather than a goddess, and bestowed upon him the new name of Herobrine.
During the Diamond Age, Herobrine fulfilled his duty of caring for the humans and Other People. He saw them suffering from exposure to the elements and unfriendly creatures. To protect them, he shepherded dangerous animals away and invented crafting. He taught this new skill to the races, with the humans taking the most interest. With crafting and smelting, they were able to make tools, build shelters, and master many skills such as farming and mining. Guided by Herobrine, the humans and Other People flourished. Their success brought him much joy.
As humans grew in their abilities, under Herobrine’s guidance, they built more and more ambitious structures. At first Hero was pleased to see their progress, but then the humans became arrogant and greedy. They began to destroy the environment around them and abuse the animals they were provided. The last straw was the invention of mob grinders – ugly, cruel machines meant to slaughter hundreds of animals and reap an immense amount of resources that would largely go unused. The cruelty and greed upset Herobrine. In his rage, he attacked their most arrogant and wasteful constructions – their mob farms, their factories, their ugly and wasteful skyscapers and cities. He struck the earth with tremendous force, and humankind cowered at his fury. They had received a sore reminder that even the gentle nature god’s patience has limits.
Here, the myths of the Fall disagree on what happened. Some say that the other gods, fearing for any further damage done by Herobrine, captured their brother and locked him away in an unbreakable prison deep in the earth. This take on the Fall was a popular view during the medieval period; notably, Garlogos the Great described it like so in his epic poem Song of Creation. The other interpretation is that Herobrine went into a self-imposed exile after breaking down the mob farms and encroaching cities. The stories that go this way usually say that he fled deep into the wilderness, or perhaps to a different dimension plane, so no-one would be able to find him.
Herobrine was absent from the world, and common consciousness, during the Nether Wars. Without his presence, wrong ideas about him started to form. This is the origin of viewing him not as a benevolent deity, but as some sort of evil creature. It came to a head during the Nether Wars. Because he was still away (either in exile or prison) at the time, Herobrine did not know of what happened or what people thought of him.
After the Nether Wars, Herobrine either escaped from his underground prison or emerged from exile. Not much is known about what he did during the late Iron Age and medieval period.
At an unknown period following his return from exile or escape from his prison, Herobrine became the father to his child Astel. The circumstances of Astel’s birth are one of his closely kept secrets; he will not even disclose the identity of the child’s other parent, if there is one. Rumour has it that Herobrine birthed Astel himself. When Astel was still a baby, Hero brought them to the Aether and introduced them to his siblings. He didn’t stay there long, however, and went back to the Overworld to raise his child. (This may have been when he built his farmhouse.) It was there that he helped Astel develop their divine powers. He raised his little family in much the same way he always conducted himself – privately, secretly, shyly.
Today, he keeps to himself for the most part. But he’s still out there, and he still means well for the humans and Other People he is sworn to protect.

Gender Identity

Although initially created as a Goddess, Herobrine told his Parent that he was actually male. In other words, he's female-to-male transgender. The Initiator then used their power to change his form into a more masculine one. Hero has two scars on his chest from the transformation, which look identical to top surgery scars. He/him/his and so on are the only correct pronouns to refer to Herobrine.


Herobrine is bisexual. It's unknown if he has a special gender preference (e.g. - that he prefers males over other genders, etc.) He tends to be cagey about it.

Personality Characteristics


Herobrine is motivated by the growth and life of the world. He is very devoted to his task of guarding life on earth and making sure it does not wreak havoc.

Likes & Dislikes

Herobrine loves cats! They are his favourite animal. He is a friend to all nature, but he is particularly fond of felines.
Other favourite things of his are small, cozy cottages, tending to plants, constructing and inventing things, and observing the sapient races at their activities.

Virtues & Personality perks

In stark contrast to his typical portrayals, Herobrine is quite gentle and kind. After all, he was created to care for living things, especially humans. Generally he has a calm personality and will put up with many annoyances without complaint. He is also very intelligent and creative. He invented crafting and brought that knowledge to the sapient races of the world.
Fortunately, Herobrine does not hold a grudge against his siblings for what happened during the Fall and its subsequent events. Although he was upset about it initially, he had plenty of time to think about it and forgive his brothers and sister. If asked about it, he usually says something to the extent of "They did what they thought was right."

Vices & Personality flaws

Herobrine values his autonomy highly; he becomes aggressive, inexorable, and morose when his freedom is taken away. Even when he is not physically trapped, but feels emotionally cornered, he may become defensive and nervous.
Furthermore, he has a dreadful habit of keeping secrets and acting cagey about uncomfortable subjects. Herobrine does not like to feel emotionally trapped, and refusing to give a straight answer on certain things helps him avoid that sense of being cornered. He has been known to not be straightforward about hugely significant things to his own family; namely, he didn't bother to tell his siblings that he came back from exile and had a child. He simply showed up in the Aether with baby Astel to everyone's surprise, and he still has not explained how he came to have a child in the first place.


Family Ties

The Initiator/The Creator (parent)
Hogimal (older brother)
Turavus (older sister)
Ses'ser (older brother)
Astel (child)
Yona (niece)
Celes (niece)
Avalan (nephew)
Nitro (great-nephew)

Religious Views

He believes in himself?

Social Aptitude

Despite his congenial demeanour, Hero is reclusive and tends to settle away from civilisation. He will build small cottages for himself and live there. He is a man of few words in the best of times, and when stressed, he often becomes nonverbal entirely. He does not easily become lonely as long as a friendly animal is nearby.
He has little use for petty social cues. He will interrupt people if he thinks what he needs to say is more important, and constantly show up unannounced.


Hero’s voice is generally quiet and mild, if not a bit scratchy. It deepens and gains a stacked “voice of the Legion” effect when he is enraged. When a mortal hears him talk, they will hear it in the accent with which they are most familiar.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
The fourth child created by the Initiator.
It's complicated
Glowing white
Dark brown, like wet earth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Generic medium brown
130 lbs
Known Languages
Herobrine knows every language that sapient races speak. When communicating with a given individual, he will address them in the language they know the best.
Ruled Locations

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