Herobrine’s Farmhouse Building / Landmark in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Herobrine’s Farmhouse

In the heart of the woods, away from mortal eyes, the Blind God tends to his land.

Purpose / Function

This small farmhouse is home to Herobrine. He lives there when abiding in the Overworld. It provides him with a quiet, protected space away from humans and Other People. This may be where he thinks about and creates new crafting recipes.


Herobrine's farmhouse is a two-level cottage made of clay brick with a dark oak roof. It is built on a stone foundation. On the homestead, he also has a garden of flowers and vegetables, as well as a stable for his animals. The stable is probably where he keeps his skeleton horse(s), his signature mount.


Herobrine created this farmhouse himself, and spends most of his time tending to his garden and the few farm animals he has. It is not known when he built it, as he kept its very existence a tightly guarded secret.
The house's discovery was by accident in the Redstone Age. A group of adventurers found it in a distant woodland. Herobrine promptly chased them away with a shepherd's crook, yelling at them to never come back and never tell anyone about his house. They fled, afraid of what he might do when upset, but they clearly did not listen to him.
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