Hilore Academy Building / Landmark in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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Hilore Academy

Knowledge is power, power is responsibility.
  • Hilore Academy Motto
  • Hilore Academy is one of the three largest schools in Tinir, alongside Treehold University and the Haxgate Institute of Technology.

    Purpose / Function

    The study and teaching of magic in the world of Tinir. Roughly equivalent in renown to the esteemed Treehold University, Hilore is the top research location for all sorts of magic.


    The school itself is the former castle of the “Herobrine” demon, restored and recovered through a collaboration between the Fallen Prince and an act of gratitude from the true Herobrine.   The bridge leading to the castle can submerge into the molten caldera pool.
    Alternative Names
    Academy for the Arcane
    Parent Location

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