Hogimal Character in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Our Lord of Fire)

The Initiator saw that was dark all around, and called forth a spark from within themself, lifting it into the heavens.
This spark grew into the sun, and from the sun descended a being of fire and heat, of netherrack and magma. “I am Hogimal,” he declared.

Divine Domains

  • Fire
  • Heat and summer
  • The Sun
  • The Nether
  • Gold
  • Light
  • Mining

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Gold is a prominent symbol of Hogimal with its association with the sun itself. Fire is also representative of the god, with them playing a large part in the construction of his temples and the celebration of his holy days. It is customary to make sacrifices to him by burning said sacrifices in huge, hot bonfires.


The Summer solstice is Hogimal’s festival day, celebrated with a massive bonfire and a passionate party.

Physical Description

Special abilities


Pyrokinesis: Hogimal can create and manipulate fire at will. His pyrokinetic abilities also extend to lava, smoke, heat, and the sun.
Minor Creation: He can make fire and Nether-related materials out of thin air.
Animal Whisperer/Beastmastery: Normally dangerous Nether creatures will obey him. The undead will not.
Resistance: As a god, Hogimal can withstand extreme conditions that mortal beings would not be able to. He has no need to eat or sleep, and excessively high temperatures do no harm whatsoever to him.
Invulnerability to Weapons: Traditional weapons cannot hurt him much at all. Weapons phase harmlessly through him.


Temperature Sensitivity: His heat-based powers and Nether lordship mean that Hogimal is sensitive to cold. In low temperatures, he becomes sluggish and weak.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to myth, Hogimal was the first born of the Initiator, and came into being with the formation of the sun. He was given guardianship of the Nether. The Creator tasked him with filling the realm as he pleased, and he chose to make it a world of fire and magma. The denizens of this place, he declared, shall be strong and resilient.
The Fall damaged his relationship with his baby brother Herobrine. The nature god hated how humans and Other People had grown prideful and abused other living creatures for their gain, and in rage he struck the earth. If one ascribes to the version of the legend where Herobrine was captured by his siblings and imprisoned, the story goes that Hogimal played a pivotal role. He was the one, so goes the story, who overpowered Herobrine and bound him up in the prison.


Family Ties

  • Initiator/Creator (parent)
  • Turavus (younger sister)
  • Ses'ser (younger brother)
  • Herobrine (younger brother)
  • Yona (child)
  • Avalan (nephew)
  • Celes (niece)
  • Astel (brother's child)

Social Aptitude

Hogimal carries himself with a lot of confidence and swagger. He likes to have command of a social situation. Although his self-assured nature allows him to lead well and assert himself, his personality has some drawbacks. He tends to dominate conversations and get annoyed when he feels he is being upstaged.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born when the Initiator fashioned the Sun
The sun
Current Residence
Fiery/Red as Nether fog
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Netherrack-Magma/deep tan

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