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Illager names contributed by Vin, PyroCynical, Matthew Forbeck, and HoolOfTheNorth. Vin contributed some other things, too.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Prague, Kitta, Esmé, Nyasha, Gemma, Tinashé, Edme, Walda...

Masculine names

Kane, Tau, Epsilon, Reginald, Barnaby, Archibald, Abban, Thord...

Unisex names

Gren, Umlaut, Gwilin, Aelphie, Baelfire, Caila...


Major language groups and dialects

Illagers speak their own dialect of the Testif language. It is similar enough to Villagerese that a Villager and an Illager can converse without need of a translator. Nevertheless, Illagerese uses a different alphabet than Villagerese. Apparently, this is an attempt by the Illagers to distance themselves from a custom of their enemies.

Culture and cultural heritage

Unlike the Villagers, community is not so material to them, and they will freely interact with other groups of Illagers.
Among the Illagers there are five classes -- Evokers, Vindicators, Pillagers, Illusioners, and Witches. Evokers, Witches, and Illusioners practise magic arts, whereas Vindicators and Pillagers specialise in combat.
Farming is not extensively practiced among the Illagers, but they have domesticated a variant of cow called a Ravager. These mighty, buffalo-like creatures are very strong and resilient. Illagers use them as mounts and attack animals during raids.
Illagers have a deep and ancient hatred for Villagers. Having been taught since childhood that they are the enemy, Illagers will most often attack Villagers on sight. The deep hatred Illagers have for Villagers may manifest in a village raid. Sometimes, humans unwittingly lead Illagers to villages by carrying the Bad Omen. Led by a captain riding a Ravager, the raid descends on a village to rape, pillage, and burn. The goal is to slaughter as many Villagers as possible. They will also set fire to buildings and loot the place for valuables. Attacks are coordinated by the captain, who blasts signals on a horn. The village must then defend itself with iron golems and villager soldiers, but it is hard for them to fend off a raid without outside intervention.

Shared customary codes and values

Illager culture values strategic thinking, military prowess, magic, and scientific study of nature. Cowardice is a deeply despised vice among them, as are greed and harming one's own kin.
While their hatred for Villagers is not to be underestimated, they do have standards. Illagers refuse to kill Villager children. Instead, they will take children left over from a raid, bring them back to a settlement, and raise them as Illagers.
Despite their villainous reputation, the Illagers have a saying among themselves that many find to be good advice; they say that "knowledge is strength, but love is power."

Average technological level

The Illagers are arguably more technologically advanced than the Villagers. They can build much larger and more architecturally complex structures, know advanced magic, are capable of taming aggressive wild creatures (ravagers), and have crafted more complex weaponry.

Common Dress code

Like Villagers, they wear clothes that correspond to their occupation. Minimal difference is made for social rank and gender. The austere and unisex presentation of Illagers often leads to humans always assuming them to be male. Nevertheless, female Illagers comprise half their demographic and are active in their community.
Hair length is not seen as gendered among Illagers. Instead, is it indicative of temperament. In peacetime, Illagers let their hair grow out. They shave it off before going to combat. This has the practical application of not giving the enemy something to grab during a fight. Because of this, hair length is seen as a general symbol of war and peace among Illager kind.

Art & Architecture

High art is an important part of Illager culture. Skills practised by Illager artisans include wool sculpture, tapestry and rug weaving, horticulture, and literature. They enjoy building wool likenesses of themselves and various animals. Cats and chickens are favourite subjects of wool sculpture, as those animals symbolise good luck and prosperity, respectively.
Woodland mansions always sport collections of well-tended flowers. Illagers tend flowers for dyes and paints, as well as to bring colour to dull mansions and protect their homes with the flowers' symbolic meanings.
Illagers use tapestry to craft banners for decorating their homes and as signal flags. A grey banner with a white flower/sun charge represents the Illager race as a whole, plain sable (black) banners are used in their religious rites, and the Ominous Banner (which depicts an Illager face) is used to intimidate enemies.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The birth of a new Illager baby is cause for great celebration among them. The entire mansion or outpost throws a party to congratulate the new parents. A special cake may be baked in the child's honour.

Coming of Age Rites

Young Illagers come of age by accepting adult responsibilities and choosing their class. They may have known what role they wish to play from childhood. Those with a proficiency in magic will elect to be an Evoker, Illusioner, Enchanter, or Witch. Those with a preference for physical combat will become Pillagers, Vindicators, or Armoured Guards. A mentor will usually take young Illagers under their wing to teach them their chosen craft. For example, captains are often the ones to train young Pillagers, and aspiring Witches seek out apprenticeships with older Witches. In some tribes, successfully battling one's mentor in a duel is proof of being a capable adult Illager.
On rare occasions, a young one may eschew the traditional classes and choose to be something else entirely. The term in the Illager dialect for such a person best translates to "civilian." They often do chores or side duties like farming, tending to animals, and construction. Alternatively, they may pursue high devotion to religion or live as hermits. Not all Illagers look down on civilians, as they are considered a useful cog in the community. As long as a civilian does not commit what Illagers see as treason (attacking one's own kind, fraternising with Villagers, etc.) they will continue to be accepted.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Illagers bury their dead deep in whatever forest is nearby. This stems from their belief that their race started as a forest-dwelling people -- "we came out of the forest, and we will return to the forest." Relatives and close friends are buried close to each other. The graves are marked with stones arranged into ringed patterns.

Common Myths and Legends

Illagers love to tell stories about the history of their kind. The exploits of their heroes and monsters are favourites for bedtime stories and campfire tales. This storytelling does however, keep the emotional scars of the past rubbed raw. By telling youngsters the legends of how their kind was exiled from among the Villagers, the hate is continually renewed.
Encompassed species

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