Ses’ser Character in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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”... third to arise from the Initiator was Ses’ser, born of the flecks of the Void that still remained within them. Of Endstone and Purpur he awoke, and with him came the End, which was placed high above the world, so high that no mortal can reach. When Ses’ser spoke, he spoke of Dragons.”

Divine Domains

  • Air
  • Enders
  • End flora and fauna
  • Dragons
  • the Void
  • Farming/the harvest
  • Autumn

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ses’ser is typically depicted with a hoe when worshipped by farmers. For non-agrarian people, he’s usually shown with Endstone and Purpur blocks. The color purple is also very often used to show Ses’ser’s involvment.


Ses’ser’s Festival is typically hosted at the autumnal equinox. Typically these are celebrated with a fair for farmers to show off and sell their crops, and for the youngsters a time to dress up in scary costumes in hopes of getting sweets.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The protection of the End and all who dwell within it.

Physical Description

Body Features

Ses’ser generally has three “forms”. The first of these is a more human form of a black-skinned bald man wearing either a nice suit and tie (when interacted with city folk) or a farmer’s jeans and shirt (when in the country).   The second form is of a generic Ender-tall, dark and handsome in appearance. In this form, Ses’ser appears rather regal in appearance as most High Enders tend to do.   His third form is very rarely seen: A 64 meter tall humanoid giant formed of Endstone and purple light. Ses’ser has only appeared in this form when within the Aether.

Facial Features

No matter what form Ses’ser takes, he can generally be identified by his vibrant purple eyes which seem to glow in the shade.

Special abilities

  • Aerokinesis: As a god of the air, Ses’ser has divine control over the wind and weather.
  • Minor Creation: With a thought, Ses’ser can create any material typically found in the End. These include: End Rods, Endstone, Purpur, Chorus, Obsidian, End Crystals
  • Gauntlet Proficiency: On the rare occasion Ses’ser takes to combat, he typically wields a pair of tough, clawed gauntlets to a masterful degree, able to deal devestating blows with a single strike.
  • Channelling the Creator: Ses’ser can channel the Initiator to deliver prophecy and messages from his parent to the Enders. His eyes will take on the warm and bright glow of the Initiator’s own and he will speak with a multitude of voices when this occurs.
  • Resistance: He can withstand extreme conditions that humans would not be able to survive. Most notably, as a god he has no need to eat or sleep. However, Ses’ser HAS been known on occasion to eat and drink when it is socially appropriate.
  • Teleportation: As a god, Ses’ser can instantaneously teleport to anywhere he chooses, even between dimensional planes without the need for a portal. This is only accented by Ses’ser’s favoring of an Ender in appearance.
  • Levitation: Ses’ser can float unaffected by gravity under his own power.
  • Weapon Invulnerability: Under normal circumstances, Ses’ser cannot be harmed by weapons, with melee weapons passing through his current physical form, and projectile ones bouncing off to a comedic effect.


  • Low Light Vision: Ses'ser's eyes are made for the darkness of the End. Sudden lights can cause him temporary blindness
  • Magic Neutralization: Ses'ser is weak to materials specifically designed to weaken or negate magic, such as Cigamite and Cold Iron.
  • Claustrophobia: Ses'ser is claustrophobic, becoming increasingly unnerved when unable to see or reach the sky above him for extended periods of time.

Apparel & Accessories

Ses'ser usually wears a nice black suit with a white shirt and purple tie when in cities and towns. In farms and the countryside however, Ses'ser wears jeans, work boots, and a breathable cotton shirt with suspenders and a wide brimmed straw hat.   Among the Enders, Ses'ser prefers a long regal cloak over a tunic.   His weapon of choice is a pair of gauntlets, perfect for digging into the fresh loam of a farm. These gauntlets are also tough with sharp claws, and Ses'ser prefers using his teleportation in conjunction with these gloves to deliver devastating punches.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Ses’ser identifies as male.


Ses’ser’s sexual preference, if he even has one at all, is currently unknown

Personality Characteristics


Ses'ser is motivated by...

Likes & Dislikes

Ses'ser likes dogs and wolves, and absolutely cannot stand those who would abuse them.   Other things Ses'ser enjoys are gardening, his space when desired, and reading.

Virtues & Personality perks

Much like the Enders, Ses'ser is a proud individual, and never backs down from a fight. He is also honorable, and will not strike an innocent or unarmed opponent.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ses'ser values his freedom immensely. When imprisoned or challenged, Ses'ser becomes violent, aggressive, and will not back down or stop hunting his opponent. After all, you cannot hide from the air you breathe.


Family Ties

  • The Initiator/The Creator (parent)
  • Hogimal (older brother)
  • Turavus (older sister)
  • Herobrine (younger brother)
  • Celes (daughter)
  • Astel (nephew)
  • Yona (niece)
  • Avalan (nephew)
  • Nitro (great-nephew)

Religious Views

Ses'ser is a god so... himself?

Social Aptitude

Ses'ser is generally polite and formal, with a more rustic hospitality air to him. Polite to a fault, he is mostly introverted, and prefers having a space to recharge. When in large crowds, Ses'ser becomes anxious, nervous, and drained. It may take awhile to gain his friendship, but when you have, you've also made a loyal ally.


Ses'ser's spech is generally formal, sounding closer to that of a "low Ender" accent when speaking with high Enders.
Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
The third child born of the Initiator.
Glowing purple and magenta
None, bald
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A dark black like the void of the End
5’ 6”/9’5”/210’ (Form depending)
130 lbs/180 lbs/weightless (Form depending)
Known Languages
Ses’ser knows every language that sapient races speak. When communicating with a given individual, he will address them in the language they know the best.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Ses’ser’s design was initially based upon the “Enderman in a suit” Minecraft skin

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