The Farlands Geographic Location in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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The Farlands


Th̷at͝ wh͟ich ͘dįsti̶ng҉u̧is͞he͟s t̴h͠e̸ F͜ar Land͏s fro̷m a̕nythin͘g ́elsȩ i͘s̨ ͠it̸s̨ geogr̸a͜p͢hy͘ ͡of ͟be͟dr̕oc͡k̢-to-c͢l̀o͟ud̛ ͜e͡xpanse̛s̕ of͡ ̷s͞to͏ne an͢d ̷d͞i͢rt̕. Caves r͡a̧ǹd҉o̡m͜l͢y form͘ ̶i͘n ̕th͘e̡ ͝w͜a͡ll͟ ͢of̢ ̕ter͞ŗain,̨ gi̸ving͡ ̡th̶e ͟edg͝e͏ Fa̡ŕ ̕La͞n̛d̶s͠ ̵t̵he̴ a̢p̧p̧e͏àran͢ce͏ ͜of ͏being̴ riddled͡ ͞w̨ìth͝ ͡hole̛s͜. ̧Ca̡v҉es͏ ơp͝eni̕n̵g̢ ̨b͝èl͜o̵w͞ s̨ȩa ͜level̢ a͠re ͝li̕kel̴y ̨to ̀b̷e͡ fĺo̢o͟d̸ed̸.͏
Aţo͠p ̛the͞ ͟ed͘ge͏ wall, ͘the̶ F̡ar L̢a͜n͢ds̸ e͟xpr̷e͝ss̴ a̷ll ̵ty̨pes̕ ̷o͘f biome͞s͟, albe҉it̡ ̡i̴n͟ ͠a̷ w͜ar̢ped ͝f̴ashi͠o͞n.͘ ̛L҉and ̶ten̡d͘s͢ t̢o b̸e͘ ri͡dged a͠n̸d͏ m͞i͟ss̛i͜ng m͠a͡ny t͢re͘e͡s ąnd o̡th̨e͡r t̴ypes̸ o͡f p͟l̛a͠nt̢s̶. ͏Si͝nk̨ho͜les an̵d͞ ́pits ̧a͟re li̛ķe҉ĺy ̀t͘o̴ fórm҉ ̡o̵n ţh͢è surfa̛c͝e.   All in all, the Farlands are non-Euclidian to the extreme


Not much is known about these mysterious realms, save the prevaling theory that King Richard II’s assassin fled here after committing regicide.


Ńo͜-o̵n̵e̵ t͞r̷avels͠ to͟ ̛this p̕l͞a͟cé. ̶T̨h͏é ònl͏y̶ ones͞ who̧ ̸ļiv̸e̡ here ́h͡a̴v͡e̢ bee͜n ̴f҉orce̢d,̶ ̴or̀ ̛t̷h̴ey ̢ar̡e s͝im͘ply ̵mad ͝enou̴gh̢ to̵ v͏e҉n҉t͢ure t͠o th̸is͘ lawless ̀pl͜a̢ce̛. ̷A̧ p͢lace̡ wh͝ich̕ ͡diso͢beys ͞no̵t̡ ͜onl̴ý the͜ ̀l͞a͝w͞s͢ ̢of ̧m͏an, bųt t͜he ͝l҉a̷w̨s͞ o̷f r̨e̕al͝i͠ty ҉itself̶.̴
Dimensional plane
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