Turavus Character in Tinir, The Initiator’s Realm | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Our Lady of the Water)

The ocean is her domain, as is the cold that comes from winter. In the absence of her brother, she directed the earth's movements. Her Parent determined the Overworld as her realm to govern. The inhabitants of the earth call on her for refreshing rain and the safety of their waters. She listens.

Divine Domains

Cold and Winter
The Moon
The Overworld

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silver, because of its association with the moon and the oceans, are an arc metal for Turavus. Also, anything water-related tends to be associated with her as a divine symbol as well.


Turavus's festival day is the winter solstice. It is comparable to a Christmas celebration.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

In her humanoid form, Turavus appears as an androgynous woman in a long, sleeveless blue robe, bedecked with many white scarves and ribbons. Her hair is long, thick, and raven-black. Turavus's hair and clothes continually float, as though unaffected by conventional gravity. She is usually surrounded by watery mists or snowfakes.
She also has a godly form, in which she appears as a massive ice golem that lacks any gender-specific features whatsoever. The ice is highly reflective and spiky, and weapons struck against it will shatter. In her godly form, her eyes glow bright blue.

Special abilities


  Hydrokinesis: Turavus has divine control over water in all its forms and states, from vapor to ice, and from puddles to glacial oceans.
Cryokinesis: By the same token, she can control ice and snow. This includes melting it into liquid water and vice versa.
  Minor Creation: Turavus can create water and ice, as well as almost any form of aquatic life.
Aquatic Animal Whispering: Turavus can communicate with any aquatic creature, even ones which are normally hostile.
Initiator Channelling: Turavus can channel her Parent, and relay messages or prophecy from them. Her eyes glow bright blue when this happens.
Resistance: As a goddess, Turavus can withstand severe conditions that mortals would not be able to. Most notably, she can handle extremely cold temperatures without any discomfort whatsoever, and she does not need to breathe underwater.
Weapon Invulnerability: Conventional weapons cannot harm her. Materials such as Cold Iron may be able to wound her, however.


Temperature: Turavus can be weakened by extreme heat, in which she becomes sluggish and weak.
Magic item vulnerability: She is vulnerable to certain anti-magical substances.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Genderfluid, leans toward female expression

Accomplishments & Achievements

A legend tells of a battle Turavus fought with an ancient sea serpent. When the earth was young, a tremendous sea-dragon terrorised the deep, an aquatic beast called the Dredger. It swallowed ships and islands whole and kept countries divided by preventing overseas trading. The people called on Turavus, lady of the ocean, to save them from the Dredger. So she rose to action, calling a typhoon over the ocean to stir up the Dredger and entice it to surface. When it did, she struck it with a mighty wave and spears of ice. Dredger was wounded, but undeterred, and Turavus ducked and wove to avoid the clashing of its mighty jaws. At last the beast retreated into the waves, seemingly defeated...but then it breached once more and caught the goddess in its mouth! In the maw of the Dredger, Turavus refused to panic. Instead, she called on the water around her, and in a spectacular display, she pierced the Dredger within and without with great spires of ice! The monster's body sunk to the ocean floor and was never seen from again. Humans and Other People were safe once more, thanks to Turavus's power and bravery.

Failures & Embarrassments

She considers her role in catching and imprisoning Herobrine during the Fall to be her greatest personal failure. She regrets it deeply. Her guilt over what she'd done is part of her motivation for taking up the responsibilities of managing the earth and teaching crafting to humans in his absence.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

The water goddess is brave, unshaken by ferocious foes and evildoers. Like her element, she is adaptive and receptive to change.

Vices & Personality flaws

Turavus is also discompassionate and unsentimental, a bit too stoic.


Family Ties

The Initiator/The Creator (parent)
Hogimal (older brother)
Ses'ser (younger brother)
Herobrine (younger brother)
Avalan (child)
Celes (niece)
Yona (niece)
Astel (brother's child)
Nitro (grandchild)
Divine Classification
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
The second child created by the Initiator.
Dark blue
Very long, black, shiny
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale
2.1 metres

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