Oryanthi Geographic Location in Tir a Goth | World Anvil


The former kingdom of Orianthi is now the Unified State of Orianthi located East, and abutting, the city-state of Unity The state capital is Orynth, located in the south of the state along the coastline. The weather is moderate, almost tropical. Temperatures range from the low 50s during the mild and wet winters, to the high 80s during the summers. Though the winters receive nearly constant rainfall, the amount only accounts for about 45% of the yearly total. The summers consist of tropical storms that dump large amounts of rain in short periods of time, resulting in flash floods in river lowlands.   The economy is propped up by the export of sugars, and exotic fruits and woods.

Natural Resources

Exotic fruits Exotic soft woods
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities


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