
Feydew is the magically infused flower of the dewflower plant. Fewdew is said to be a result of small woodland fey dancing on the dewflower during nights of the full moon. The dewflower, and thus fyedew, is only found the Lowlands and is highly prized as a food spice, and minor magical regnant.


Material Characteristics

The dewflower has a slender green sprout with a blue, cone shaped flower. On nights of a full moon the flowers sometimes takes on some magical essence turning the flowers purple and incandescent with iridescent dew on the petals.

History & Usage


Refining Feydew into a magical powder provides some minor magical reagents with traits similar to pixie dust.
30 Imperial gold coins per vial.
Rare - Found only in Lowlands and can only be harvested 3 times each year.
Adding feydew to any food greatly enhances the flavor and providing a tingling sensation in the mouth.