
Known for the spice, and magical regent, Feydew , the lowlands province is the south-eastern province of Koi. The divide river runs along its western border with Golaria facilitating trade.  


The Lowlands are unique in the provinces, not the least of which because of their primarily gift economy. Since the Lowlands' economic rebound in Birth of 970 N, lowlanders are not only willing, but proactively provide needs to those around them. This gifting holds true for everything except for items that require expensive materials, long crafting times, or are otherwise hard to come by. Because of this, the Lowlands is seen as a place to go for those who have fallen on hard times and lost everything, or for those just looking for a new start. While there is little in the way of paying jobs, outside of harvesting or transporting Feydew, there is also not much to want for.


All military forces in the Lowlands are private forces or local militias. These forces are not to be underestimated, however. As a rite of passage, all lowlanders receive martial training. Lowlanders see developing the ability to protect yourself and your neighbors as a cultural imperative and will not hesitate to defend someone in need.   Whenever there is a threat the people of the Lowlands quickly band together and assemble into a strong fighting force. The private armies of the few Lowland nobles serve as the elite forces and often include multiple spell casters. The other citizens self-arm and provide ranged, skirmish, and scouting support, often resorting to hit-and-run guerrilla tactics.


Lowlanders are free to worship whom they please. However, because the region is heavily wooded and relies on the growth and infusion of the Dewflower, many can be found worshiping gods that preside over the nature domain. Even those lowlanders who are not devout followers pay homage to Mother Ti'r, Mielikki, or even Rillifane Rallathil.

Agriculture & Industry

Once an agricultural center that fed much of Koi, the amplification of magic and the use of objects of Sustenance disrupted the economy of the lowlands for a great many years. It was only the discovery of Feydew that brought economic freedom back to the lowlands.   Rather than clearing fields for farms lowlanders now tend small groves in the woods where they plant and nurture Dewflower plants. Just before dawn after each full moon the Dewflowers are checked for Feydew before it evaporates in the sunlight. Feydew harvesting is a delicate process and because of the growing locations and time sensitive harvesting conditions is labor intensive. Despite this, it is still quite a lucrative crop and drives the entirety of the lowlands economy.

Trade & Transport

While some direct trade with the Dwarven province or the humans of the Imperium does happen, should an enterprising merchant be willing to make the effort of travel, the well-worn roads to Golaria are most easily traveled. Thus, Feydew is primarily traded to the merchants of Golaria who act as a go-between for the other provinces.

"Protection is what it means to be a Lowlander!"


  • Lowlands
  • Turnium
Lowlands cover
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Province
Government System
Banana Republic
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
While the Imperial standard coins are the official currency of all Koi provinces, lowlanders are happy to use vials of Feydew as a method of trade.
Major Exports
Major Imports
Metals (Primarily steel and silver)
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Lowland Crest

A Feydew infused Dewflower on a silver background.
Lowlands heraldry

Articles under Lowlands