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Timeline of Tirestir

This is a rough timeline as told by priests, historians, and people who study the origin of the world. While many accounts about this differ, this will go over some points most seem to agree on.

Dawn Era

Unknown Date to the end of the Dawn Era

This was an Era solely of Creation, where even the afterlives of the new gods birthed during this time had yet to take shape. It was during this time the gods created the seeds of life on Tirestir and began the rapid evolution of their creations into sentience.

  • 1st Year of the Dawn Era
    Destruction of the Last World
    Era beginning/end

    Many believe that before the world of Tirestir and the other planets in its solar system existed one world that was ruled over by the gods of old. It was plane without definite shape that went on forever, or so the legends say. It was completely destroyed in some cataclysmic event and popular religious believes tell that a rather minor god of this last world Agnovimus was able to protect the spark of creation and gather as much of the energy of this world as he could before it was all lost. Then some indeterminate amount of time later he released that energy, birthing into the world new gods and, since his power was limited, brought planets and worlds into existence. This act of creation was not his purview however and was a feat he could not do again. A few gods are noted as surviving this last world such as the god of the void, the god of times, and two gods of dragons.

Sanguine Era

7017 IE 6591 IE

The Sanguine era is one of the smallest era’s on Tirestir but one of the most significant. The dark Wizard Sanguine rules over all of Nelon either directly or through Vassals, with his influence spread around the entire world. His dark tower gathered the magic of the world into a single place under his control, and the Era marked its end with its destruction, his death, and an excess of magic being flooded into the world.

  • -6591 SE

    Destruction of the Tower of Sanguine
    Military: Battle

Arcane Era

6590 IE 2596 IE

In this era on Tirestir kingdoms developed but didn’t expand immensely, the world was rife with powerful magic and sorcery was abundant. Wizards and powerful magic users were more respected than kings and ruled over their domains in a variety of ways from the cruel to the generous.

  • 3995 ACE to 1 IE
    Disaster / Destruction

    During this year it was said the god of death was slain by a coven of mortal witches and all across Tirestir death ceased all at once. While this may sound ideal it did not end pain, sickness, or the causes of death. A man cut in half would live in agony unable to die, an elderly person would suffer their sicknesses endlessly. This period lasted a year until all at once, those with mortal injuries, diseases, or other circumstances all died at once in an event known at Lifefall.

Imperial Era

1 IE -> 2595 IE

This was the golden age for Tirestir where the largest empires on the planet rose to the height of their military and social power. It was an era of peace and prosperity where the quality of life was the highest the planet has reached.

  • 1 IE
    Purge of Magic
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the Lifefall the gods convened and issued a commandment to the world of Tirestir, that from now on magic would be limited, and the magic that had permeated the world since the end of the Sanguine Era would be returned to its previous amounts. This led to ruin for the magic users and their domains with their power limited to ninth level spells.

  • 25 Imperial Era
    Exodus of the Pariahs
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the Lifefall and the arrival of the new death gods many of the people on Tirestir began to worship these gods out of fear, envy, or pride, but no so much as the Drow. During this era the Drow were a species of elves that lived upon the surface of Tirestir, but as they fell deeper into the worship of these gods they became shunned from society, and so the prophetesses of their species led them on a grand exodus into the underdark, their new gods granting them power in keeping with this realm of dark so they may survive in their new home.

  • 2545 IE to 1 AE
    The Arrival
    Military: War

    The Arrival was a period of war across all of Tirestir where species descended from the sky in great ark ships. These species then cut themselves new empires for their people, fleeing catastrophe from their homelands. The great upheaval this dealt to Tirestir, with the destruction of old empire and the births of new, ushered in a new era. This era has been a dark age for the planet, with much history being lost to the point where nobody can truly agree who actually came during the arrival save for the Tsaeci Empire and Gotburg who wear this heritage with pride.

Arrival Era

1 AE and beyond

The Arrival Era is the time following the influx of new inhabitants from other worlds within the sphere, fracturing previously dominant power and causing new ones to rise. Although some of these refugees were scattered and forced to assimilate into Tirestirian society, those who carved their own new lands have introduced new ideas, technology, and religion to the world, all while thrusting the once golden age into the depths of a dark age of progress.

  • 1198 AE

    6 Aarden

    Rise of the Imperium
    Political event

    The Astartii Imperium was created after the conquests of the General Talatorius who took the title of First August Talatorius of the Imperium, after the ruling title of fallen homeland. Talatorius is said to have risen to become the God of Strategy, though some say he was simply named after this god. Either way, The Imperium rose from a kingdom that fell to dark sorcery and rose through the actions of this one general, who went on to unite several surrounding nations into one before forming what is now the most dominant force on Nelon.