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Wizardhome, also known by its Netherese name Axenthar, was the capital of the Valorast Magocracy until its defeat by the united Tiriande-Maressean armies and subsequent dungeonization in -86 DR. It was a glorious city of advanced magics and unparralelled safety, due in large part to its Mythallar, a device erected by its founder that allowed the magically inclined citizens access to vast amounts of raw magic.


Wizardhome was founded in -402 DR by the Netherese Magister Valorast, a low-ranking High Wizard of the Faerûnian empire of Netheril, and designed in that nation's image. It is unknown how the magister, who had by all accounts been a fine adventurer but an underwhelming student of magic, managed to build a city of its size so quickly and efficiently, but the fact remains that within decades of its founding the city of Axenthar had outgrown the fledgling settlements of Tiriande and Maressea. Some attribute this to his acquisition of the secrets of Mythallar creation.


Enormous chunks of earth and rock, bound together by thick chains of black iron and lifted into the air by powerful magics supported the black spires and mage-halls of Wizardhome. The place was lit by magical torches projected from the tops of the wizards' towers, with each wizard competing in their size and splendour.   The inverted mountains the city was built on were criss-crossed by the catacombs and halls of a vast necropolis-dungeon.

Role in the Last Valoran War

It took the combined might of the kingdoms of Tiriande and Maressea to even pierce the outer defenses of Wizardhome, the first time in the history of hostilities in the Dungeonscape that the city had been succesfully besieged. Even then, it wasn't until a company of adventurers sponsored by Queen Adriella of Tiriande found new routes into the Valoran domain that the allied armies finally managed to defeat the defending armies.   The city was left ruined in the battle's wake, as the unleashed energies of the corrupted Mythallar raised the nation's dead as monsters, returning the necropolis to its previous state.


Overwhelmingly Human (Netherese), with the odd Drow and Halfling.


The Magocracy of Valorast was ruled by the magocratic council, the High Mages of Valorast, the greatest of whom ruled the city of Wizardhome directly.


The Mythallar raised the city in the air, cutting it off from unwanted advanced from the ground, and powering a formidable array of magical defenses.

Industry & Trade

The nobility of Wizardhome was primarily concerned with the advancement of magic and the creation of new magical spells and artefacts.

-86 DR

Founding Date
-402 DR
Alternative Name(s)
~198,000 before its collapse
Inhabitant Demonym
Axenthar; Valoran
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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