Elion Wardis Character in Tiyu Amara | World Anvil

Elion Wardis

A word of advice, friend. It doesn't matter how interested you are in the topic, and how much you think she knows - do not talk to Elion about her son. She misses him too dearly for that kind of casual chat.
Tero Shonyul
Elion is the Countess of Wardis, and wife to Duke Hintero of Shonyul. She is also the current Treasurer for the Federal Republic of The Medura, having served in that position since 423 in the precursor organisation, the Meduran Liberty Alliance.


Elion was born in 386 AC to the Count of Wardis and his wife, and was raised without much incident in the north-east of the Vosti Empire. Their county was small but prosperous, and she enjoyed the luxuries of middle nobility. As an only child, she was groomed to succeed her father as Countess, and was taught much about politics and eeconomics.   For most of her adolescence, it was assumed that Elion would marry Brasteon, future Baron of Dovaldun, as the two grew up together and were incredibly close. When Brasteon's mother and her father died in a carriage accident in 386, the two were brought even closer, and announced their engagement in 391 to some of their relatives.   This engagement did not last, as later in the year Elion abruptly broke it off and announced her imminent marriage to Duke Hintero of Shonyul. Despite the suddenness of the match, the two seemed genuinely happy, and delighted in how soon after they would have a child together.   That child came too quickly, arriving in early 392, only a few short months after their marriage. Despite her earlier joy, Elion did not show off her son to anyone, and she and Hintero rarely spoke about him. The sudden disappearance of Brasteon after he visited raised a lot of suspicion, though Elion was rarely accused of orchestrating the event.   Her son remained a source of controversy for her due to his suspicious reclusiveness, only being seen in public in 410. When said public appearance made it clear that he so greatly resembled Brasteon that it was impossible they were not related, rumours abounded of how there must have been an affair or other impropreity. When her son also disappeared less than a month later, some assumed she had been involved to try and salvage her reputation.   Despite the controversies, she maintained a comfortable and respected position in the court and among the nobility, forging relationships with many prickly families and mediating their disputes. This diplomatic tendency came in handy when one of her husband's daughters via his first wife disinherited herself and married a woman Hintero disapproved of, as she was able to prevent him from causing an incident and settle for keeping distance from his daughter.   Though her marriage had been largely pleasant, it seems she disagreed with her husband's imperial politics. At some point in the late 410s she joined the Meduran Liberty Alliance, a group whose primary goal was to secede from the Vosti Empire and become an independent republic. After a few years as a member, she was appointed to serve as the group's Treasurer, a position which was made more official when the MLA made their independence declaration in 425.

Family Ties

Her family lineage is unremarkable, with the County of Wardis being held by the senior branch for decades. By marriage to her husband, Duke Hintero of Shonyul, she is connected to the larger Vosti Imperial Family. In particular, she is daughter-in-law of Princess Idena, the eldest child of former emperor Treveon II, and current emperor Brimeon IV is her step-uncle-in-law.   Through her marriage, she has 4 step-children - Lady Muna Shonyul, Marquis Daleon of Emaldo, Lord Vusav Trindel, and Lady Kiani Huvenston. Her own son, Lord Brandeon Wardis, was declared deceased in 414 after having disappeared 4 years prior.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Countess of Wardis, Baroness of Ashlenis, Duchess of Shonyul, Marchioness of Zenzon
Year of Birth
368 AC 57 Years old
Aligned Organisation
The Medura
Other Affiliations
The Vosti Empire


Elion's connections to the Barony of Dovaldun run deep, as her county is closely located and has historically worked with or been in charge of that barony. As a result Elion marrying the then Baron, Brasteon, was entirely expected. What was not expected was for their relationship to abruptly fall apart and for him to disappear early the next year.   While rumours abound over what happened to cause the sudden breakdown of their engagement, most are confident that they know what happened to him. When his remains were finally found in 414, what little evidence was revealed suggested that he was murdered on Hintero's orders, likely to avoid the potential scandal over Elion's illegitimate child with him. Despite this, no charges have ever been laid.
Skull and Bones by Skitterphoto

Cover image: Tiyu Amara by Casey Horner
Character Portrait image: Countess Elion of Wardis by Isaac Thompson


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