Waal Zaimyatl

Waal Zaimyatl, officially the Republic of Waal Zaimyatl, is the largest country in eastern Abravost, only rivalled by the western Republic of Skarhu. It was the second country to become independent from The Vosti Empire, doing so in a short conflict in 107 AC. It is the only elf-majority country in Abravost.


Of course the humans were under no obligation to show us courtesy. They were wary of the outsiders with the foreign tongues. But that was then. The people grow kinder with each day, and yet the Emperor remains cold on his throne. We will not stand for it. We shall take our respect by force.
— Wiamjol Maazije, 106 AC
The Collision caused many changes throughout Abravost, the presence of Elves being one of the most obvious. With the collision of the human and elven worlds, many elves were left stranded in unfamiliar territory. The majority of these were found east of the mountain ranges in eastern Abravost, replacing human settlements that had been there previously.   Once elves and humans were able to communicate to any degree, arrangements were made with the reigning monarchs of the Vosti Empire to allow elves to continue to life peacefully within their borders. Many who had appeared elsewhere made their way to the east, using the divine volcano of Chalsei Kóshoil as a marker to follow. The east became overwhelmingly elven over time, and would come to be called 'Waal Zaimyatl', after the elven region it had partially merged with.   The Vosti Empire was, contrary to its word, not legally kind to the elves. In particular the Kailkoseltii in the south east found themselves in constant conflict, especially after the discovery of a destroyed Kailkoseltii city off the coast. When the Vosti refused to spend resources on any sort of recovery or discovery of the region, the Kailkoseltii revolted, attacking a local port and stealing its ships in order to sail there themselves. When the empire sent ships to pursue them, other elves stood on the shores and docks to boo them mercilessly, as well as casting fire magic to burn their sails to stop them. The empire withdrew, and instead chose to wait until the ships came back to shore, at which point many of the elves were arrested. The majority of these elves were forced to endure full sentencing and jail time, though any death sentences were cancelled due to high protests from both elves and humans.   Chaos would continue for decades, with measures such as restrictions on religious practices and the mandatory teaching of Vostan notorious for causing conflict. The latter proved detrimental to the empire, however, as a number of newly 'literate' elves demanded access to the treaties which elven leaders had signed years prior. With their better understanding of the language, they came to realise that the elves had been fooled.   The revelation that the treaties had been misrepresented sent the region into more chaos then ever. Local groups far from Vosti centres of power began to prepare for a fight, electing leaders and assuming de facto control. In 106 AC, in the city of Waal Paisheim, a mage and leader named Wiamjol Maazije read a declaration of independence before a cheering crowd. The imperial officials within the city were forcefully evicted, and Waal Paisheim was declared the elven capital.   When news reached the Empire, they mounted most of their army. However, due to the considerable natural defence that the mountain range posed, it was nigh impossible to get that force into the country except at specific points, which the elves quickly seized. Naval attack became the only way for the Vosti to attempt to siege elven positions, but raw numbers overwhelmed them. In 107, the empire formally conceded defeat, cursing the rustiness of a military which had once conquered the continent.   Fully independent, Waal Zaimyatl set about establishing its republic in line with old systems. Wiamjol Maazije was elected as President, and the country began to thrive. When the Republic of Skarhu began to reach back out to the empire, Waal Zaimyatl established positive trade relations and helped them to keep their independence secure against the Vosti.   The country was central to the development of Planar Magic and the discovery of how to make portals, which could be used to reconnect with the elven home world. Not only was it now easier to traverse difficult terrain, by simply going to the elven plane to avoid it, but many elves could return home. The increased contact with the elven world and its wealth of information caused a great boom in Waal Zaimyatl, making it the academic capital of Abravost.

The Separation

With The Separation, this changed. All portals went offline in 326 AC, causing untold damage to their surroundings. Many families were separated. Access to resources were lost. Waal Zaimyatl descended into panic. Luckily, they were not alone, as next door the Vosti Empire faced imminent collapse over the loss of its royal family, who had been staying for a few days in the elven world at time. Abravost was in pandemonium.   Struggling under the weight of the numerous elven refugees and seeing an opportunity, Waal Zaimyatl began to seize land near its borders. When the Empire attempted to raise forces to attack them, they were faced with an internal split that caused fractures in the front lines, and would bloom into the separatist movement for the Kingdom of Telziad. After some negotiation, Waal Zaimyatl agreed to aid Telziad in its war against the Empire, on the condition they get land in the north.   Once the war ended in 336 AC with a decisive Zaimyatl/Telziad victory (with additional boons for Skarhu), the situation calmed considerably, and Zaimyatl sought to rebuild its academic and magical presence. It isn't anywhere near pre-Separation levels, but it remains peaceful, for now.


Waal Zaimyatl is a federal parliamentary republic, with a mostly ceremonial president. This was not always the case, as in its earliest years the President held near-total veto power and was the most important member of Zaimyalkee Parliament.   Presently, parliament is split into the upper and lower house, with the lower house electing members who each represent an equal number of citizens, and the upper house representing each of the 6 states of Waal Zaimyatl equally. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and is traditionally the leader of the largest party in the lower house, though on occasion the PM has been the leader of a smaller party in a ruling coalition.   The six states of Waal Zaimyatl are free to select their own state governments as they see fit, leading to playful rumours about each others selection process. A predominantly Kailkoseltii state in the south receives particular ribbing due to its tendency to select leaders based on physical prowess, with many saying that incumbents must duel for the right to stay in office.   The one territory of Waal Zaimyatl is the City Islands, located north east off the coast. It is the least populated region in the country, and is very rarely represented in parliament. The majority of the islands are considered heritage sites and are not allowed to be lived in semi-permanently, with one of the islands dedicated to hosting the many elves who make pilgrimage to it yearly.

Demography and Population

Waal Zaimyatl is the only elf-majority country, and it shows. At least 82% of the population are elf, with many more believed to be half-elves who have nominated as human instead of elf. Of the human population, the majority identify as Telziado or Zaimyalkee (culturally), with a small minority of Vosti citizens.
Within elves, the spread is rather more diverse. While a majority of elves are Zaimyalkee, at approximately 44%, another sizable population are the Suungkee, at 35%. 16% are Kailkoseltii, with the remaining 5% being either Lialpumpámtii or Telziado elves. The Lialpumpámtii population is very low, due to many living in Skarhu instead.

In Mystery There Is Progress


Waal Zaimyatl is a long and thin country in the east of Abravost, stretching from its northernmost tip to very near its southernmost. The majority of this land is on the mainland, though a not-insignificant amount of land comes from the City Islands region in the north east. Large parts of the south and south-eastern regions of Waal Zaimyatl are disputed with the Vosti Empire, though Waal Zaimyatl holds full control and has done so for nearly 80 years.

Foreign Relations

Waal Zaimyatl is very invested in its own wellbeing, as well as the affairs of its neighbours and allies. It is a very active participant in Abravosti conflicts.
  • Waal Zaimyatl is not remotely friends with the Vosti Empire, having suffered sorely under their leadership and due to their recent conflicts. They are not subtle in their dislike, often preferring to bypass stopping in Vosti ports altogether in favour of...
  • The Republic of Skarhu, with whom Waal Zaimyatl is good friends. The long distances make it difficult to communicate easily, but their similar government styles make them easy friends. Zaimyatl's aid in magical and mundane education, and Skarhu's aid in naval and agricultural development, doesn't hurt either.
  • The Kingdom of Telziad is very close to Waal Zaimyatl, both physically and politically. They maintain a strong trade relationship, and there is a large amount of Waal Zaimyalkee emigrants in Telziado cities. Things have been tense under the reign of King Dravulean II, however.

The Flag

The flag of Waal Zaimyatl contains a black triangle in the bottom centre of the flag pointing up, approximately 3/4 of the flags height. Inside the triangle is a white 7 pointed star. In the background is a 5 panel gradient of greens, with two stripes of dark green on the left and right edges, stripes of a paler green next to those, and a white stripe in the middle.
The black triangle represents Chalsei Kóshoil, a mountain considered sacred by the Zaimyalkee and which came through during the Collision. The star inside represents the 6 states and 1 territory which comprise the country. The green and white stripes in the background represent hope, as well as the portals which were common the country prior to the Separation.

Articles under Waal Zaimyatl


Author's Notes

This article was made for WorldEmber 2018

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