Garbage Beach

Garbage Beach is the name given by the Turtles to a small, enclosed beach area that is covered in litter.


Garbage beach is a coast surrounded by tall, rocky cliffs and murky tide pools. It is small in size and given it's name due to the large amount of trash that was left lying around. The place has not be upkept in a while as weeds grow rampant in the grassy areas, and thick foliage completely obscures the area from view from the road.


The beach hosts all sorts of wildlife due to it's lack of visitors and extensive tidepools. The beach also acts as a nesting ground for leatherback sea turtles. It seems though that mutagen has made its way there, as a few empty canisters could be found amongst the garbage, but it seems to have only mildly effected the creatures near by.


The place appears to have once been a place where people hung out more often, but nowadays the area is largely abandoned do the the small size and condition. Structures like the dockhouse hasn't seen life in over a decade. This makes a perfect spot for the Turtles and other mutants to visit, as it is hidden away from humans
Parent Location
New York
Coast / Shore
Included Locations

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