
Kasukana Oroku (a.k.a. Squishy, Kasu)

Kasukana is an alternate reality version of Donatello, where he and his brothers were raised by and work for The Foot.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kasukana is visually very similar to Donatello, being the same mutant softshell turtle he is. Because they are merely divergent versions of the same person, they are genetically identical to each other.   Kasukana differs in having scars across is body, including a prominent one on his beak.

Apparel & Accessories

Kasukana is the only one of his bothers who doesn't wear a mask. Instead he has a pair of black, high-tech goggles with red lenses that he often wears over his face. His clothing consists of a sleeveless Foot shinobi top and black wrapping on his arms, legs, and neck. He has a red utility belt with The Foot logo on it and a strap that can hold small glass vials in it. He's often wearing a pair of red work gloves.

Specialized Equipment

Due to an accident involving his soft shell, Kasu has replaced most of his shell with a permanent armor made titanium and steel. This shell is implanted into his spinal cord, allowing him to have neural control over the cybernetic enchantments built into the armor. Such enhancements include robotic arms which can expand outwards, allowing him more hands to work with, as wall as the ability to scale walls and ceilings.   He has also created a tech-bo version of his bo staff, made of metal and transformative features that makes it akin to a large swiss army knife.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The origin of Kasu and his brothers was much the same as his counterpart's, with Splinter rescuing them from a mutagen ridden river. However in the Foot Turtles Timeline Splinter had perished due to a Mutant attack, leaving the brothers to fend for themselves.   A year later, they would be found by The Foot, and Oroku Saki would take them in, seeing potential in them. For a while they were kept locked away, being examined and experimented on, until Saki saw it fit to train them in ninjustu and become Foot Recruits. His daughter Karai would see them as her brothers and give them all names. She named the softshell Kasukana, meaning Squishy in Japanese, for his soft shell's squishy appearance.   Said soft shell immediately became a weakness he had to over come. They were all put through harsh, rigorous training, and he was targeted for his shell by his brothers. Despite his strength lying more in his astonishing intelligence, Saki still saw him as the weak link.   As he got older, he would find himself in the Foot Tech lab often, where his true brilliance and skill shined. He helped with developing technology for the foot and was eventually granted permission to run the whole section after proving himself.   During on of their first missions, he and his brothers got into a fight that resulted in a large chunk of his soft shell being injured. The wound was deep and debilitating, and would have left him disabled. Unwilling to cope with the idea of being a disappointment to Saki, he designed himself a replacement shell that was more durable and advanced that even his brother's natural shells. He had the tech shell permanently fused to his back and wired directly to his spinal cord, so he could manipulate it's tech with his brain.   Despite his cybernetically enhanced body, Kasu still spent most of his time in the lab, working on bigger and more ambitious projects. Currently his big project is a magi-tech drill that could potentially force open a portal into the Yokai Realm.

Mental Trauma

Kasukana still has autism like Donnie, but is forced to suppress it far more due to how strictly he was raised. Is quirks are seen as weak and distracting, thus he has to mask frequently when not completely isolated. The leads to him being prone to high stress and anger issues.

Morality & Philosophy

Kasukana does not have as righteous morality as his counterpart. He's not afraid to do some unethical things to make progress with his work, and often sees other people as objects and potential test subjects. He really doesn't care who gets hurt in his experiments.   He's loyal to The Shredder, but of all his brothers his loyalty may be the flimsiest, due to his poor treatment. There is a slim chance that the right person could convince him to leave.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Like his counterpart, Kasu is extremely smart and great with mechanics. In fact, with the resources allotted to him by The Foot, Kasu has created far more advanced tech than Donatello has. One could argue he's even smarter than his counterpart.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kasu is Donnie if he was a little more unhinged. He's overly cocky about his skills and tech and tends to think himself better than his brothers as well as everyone else. He's easily annoyed with people and can be cruel and nasty towards them, even his brothers. He's prone to letting his ego get the better of him, and will get angered of flustered easily.


Family Ties

Kasu is not particularly close with his brothers. He grew up taking the brunt of bullying and harassments from all three of them when he was younger, and it wasn't until he developed his tech shell that he could actually defend himself properly. He often prefers to be alone and will chastise his brothers if they enter his space.   He is loyal Saki... to a point. He craves his approval but he's never able to impress him. He believes Saki will always see him as a weak link and has begun to resent him for it.   Karai is the only one he has a decent relationship with as she's the only one who shows him respect and kindness consistently.


Kasu tends to mask more than Donnie, but this doesn't stop him from frequently stimming out of stress and irritation. He tends to be more smug and cocky than Don.   More often than not, he is walking around with the legs on his tech shell rather than his normal legs. He's always on the move with them, crawling all over the girders and footholds of the lab like a spider.
Mutant Type
Spiny Softshell Turtle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive Green
Known Languages


Parents (Adopting)
The Shredder



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