The Shredder

Saki Oroku

The Shredder, aka Oroku Saki, is the biggest threat to not just the turtles, but the fate of Earth and the Yokai Realm as we know it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physical Appearance

Oroku Saki is an older, Asian man with sharp features and a strong jaw. He's notable by his distinct scar down the left side of his face, which he got from his fight with Hamato Yoshi. He has a large build and his quite tall. He keeps his dark hair slicked back.

Apparel & Accessories

His civilian clothing involves wearing fancy fitted suits to go for a more professional look and show of his status. He prefers suits of flashier colors like fuchsia or red, rather than a dull grey or black.   However, when fighting as his alter ego, the Shredder, he dons a full set of samurai armor. Occasionally he'll also where a version of his old Guardian Clan shozoku, clad with The Foot symbol, for when he wishes to be more stealthy.

Specialized Equipment

Over the course of the story, Oroku Saki gathers more pieces of the Yoroi Ketsueki and slowly replaces his old set of armor. He starts off with the gauntlet which he uses to attack Leonardo and get into the Yokai Realm to search for the rest of it.  

Special Abilites

After acquiring the the full Yoroi Ketsueki, he gains it's immense mystic power, which coupled with his existing skill as a highly trained yokai guardian, makes him a daunting foe to face. The armor's magic gives him inhuman strength and speed, and the armor itself is nearly impervious to damage. He also gains the ability to summon the dark magic of more demonic yokai.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life
Saki was born to one of the few remaining Guardian Clans, the Oroku Clan, and at the time it was very small from dwindeling members, leaving only Saki's small family to bear the title. Saki's parents would die tragically in an accident shortly after his birth, and so he was raised primarily by his grandfather, Oroku Keiji. His grandpa always promised he'd train him in ninjutsu when he was old enough, but by the time he turned 10, his grandpa had grown very sick. It became clear that Keiji was unlikely to survive much longer, so he called up the leader of the only other clan left in the region, Hamato Hisashi the patriarch of the Hamato Clan. He pleaded with Hisashi to take the boy in when he passed, and Hisashi agreed without question.   Eventually Grandpa Keiji passed in his sleep, leaving Saki alone. He was quickly taken in by the Hamatos and introduced to their eldest son, Yoshi. The boys were similar in age, so the were immediately paired together when they began training in ninjutsu. It became clear very soon which of the two were the favorite. Despite the Hamatos taking care of Saki, Hisashi never really treated him like a son like he would Yoshi. Yoshi would get alll the praise while Saki was often ignored or criticized. This caused him to become bitter and competitive with Yoshi.  
Yoshi and Saki as kids.   Things did not improve as they got older. Saki and Yoshi's rivalry would result in many fights between the two, and it would come to a head when it was decided that Yoshi would become chunin of the clan. Saki was in raged by this decision, accusing the whole thing as nepotism. Seeing him make such a fuss, Hisashi sent Saki away to collect himself, and so he did and would not return for quite some time.   Saki would spend a few years in the Yokai realm, self reflecting about his purpose in the guardian clans, when he would eventually encounter the spirit of the Yoroi Ketsueki. Sensing the vulnerability in Saki's spirit, the demon told him a tale of the Yokai War from their perspective; how the humans were persistent in trapping the yokai in another world away from resources because they were monsters, and how the guardian clans were complicit in holding up this oppressive regime. The demon offered Saki an opportunity to be the one to break the cycle and free the yokai, all he had to do was find the pieces of the mystic armor.   Saki would eventually return to the Hamatos, bearing the information the demon had told him in an attempt to have them side with him, but instead everyone in the family were horrified by Saki's decision to make a deal with a demon. Saki was insistant that he'd seen the truth and refused to denounce the demon, so Hisashi had no choice but to banish Saki from the clan. When Saki lashed out, Yoshi was the one to defend his family. The two dueled, but Yoshi ultimately was the defeated Saki, scarring his eye and taking his Amulet Key. Saki left the estate, beaten and shamed.   In one last desperate attempt to get back into the Yokai Realm, Saki broke into Yoshi's home to steal back his Amulet Key, only to encounter Tang Shen, Yoshi's wife that he had married in the time Saki was missing. Saki had harbored feelings for Shen as well, when the two met in their teenage years, and felt frustration that once again Yoshi had taken something he wanted. For a moment, he tried to convince Shen to leave Yoshi and follow his knew cause, but she refused and persistently guarded the amulet. That's when Saki took her life, and took the amulet from her fallen body, as a final 'fuck you' to his long time rival.
  The Foot
Saki would flee the country to hide from his crimes, moving to America to start a new life. He took with him a sizable portion of wealth he had taken from the Hamatos before his exile and used to invest in stock and start a small business in New York CIty. He was still determined to find the armor, and he knew he couldn't do it alone. He would begin hunting down suitable fighters in the city and recruit them form his own clan, which he would name The Foot, based on a tale of an ancient yokai clan of the same name.   Saki spent a lot of his time building his business and wealth for the explicate purpose of gaining influence in the city and growing his clan. He began investing in businesses that attracted troubled youth, who would be easiest to manipulate and recruit. He would hide his activities and spending under the guise of investing firm. This proved ludicrously successful, and The Foot slowly grew and expended over the years, even founding a headquarters using the same shell investment company. Saki developed a cult-like following with his promises that when Earth and the Yokai Realm are united, it'll bring untold prosperity to the world.   In order to milk more money to fund his project, he began using illicit methods, like using the Purple Dragons to commit insurance fraud. The foot began to behave more like a mafia, where Saki would use his men to threaten any business owners who owed him money with death. Even petty theft and robbers weren't off the table, as he had a private collector murdered in order to get his hands on an piece of the Yoroi Ketsueki.   Despite finding success and power in the city, Saki was still a lonely man, and would often turn sex workers to fill that void. One of them would end up pregnant with his child, and he would end up taking that child from her, while she 'mysteriously disappeared'. He would name the child Karai and raise her himself. Karai would be a suitable heir to the The Foot if anything were to happen to Saki.


As far as the public is aware, Oroku Saki is the CEO of a successful investment firm in New York. However, this company is just a shell to hide his more illegal activities. In reality, Saki is the head of the Foot Clan, a group of the finest martial artists in the city that he has passed the art of ninjutsu onto, all for the purposes of finding a set of demonic armor to unite the Yokai Realm with Earth.

Intellectual Characteristics

Saki is an incredibly intelligent and charismatic man. He's capable of planning something years in advance and executing it without a hitch. He's manipulative and has many of his followers looking up to him like he's a god, while the rest of the city believes he's an upstanding philanthropist.

Morality & Philosophy

Saki believes the world is fundamentally unfair, so it ultimately doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process of getting what he wants. Things like honor only exist to keep people weak and complacent. Kindness and compassion will never be successful in this world, you have to take power through brute force and violence.

Personality Characteristics


At the core of it all, his motivations all come back to his rivalry with Yoshi, and wanting to be better than him. He wants to be stronger, more successful, and more important than Yoshi ever was. At the end of the day his real motivation behind 'freeing' the yokai realm is to feel special. He wants to see those who wronged him crushed under his new found power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Saki is a skilled fighter from years of training and he's strong enough to even give Splinter a run for his money. He is cunning and intelligent and can come up with strategies to throw of his enemies easily. He's charismatic enough to recruit many people to his side that will do whatever he asks, giving him a literal army at his disposal. He is manipulative and will lie his way into getting whatever he wants.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is an incredibly jealous and petty man. He'll often let his desire for revenge blind him in heated moments, which can make him sloppy. He has little compassion for other people, even those that are supposed to be closest to him, and his actions are rooted in selfish goals to make himself feel more important.


Family Ties

Saki didn't have a lot of family growing up, so he was very close with his grandfather, who would always tell him how special he was for being the last of his clan, and that he had the power to do great things. He was devastated when he passed away and had to move in with a family of complete strangers. The Hamatos took care of his basic needs but he always felt like an outcast, like he was fitting himself in a story he didn't belong. They never felt like family to him, but rather the people who took away his destiny.   Years of emotional neglect has made him a poor parent to his own child Karai, who he spoils with money and gifts if only to distract her. He never actually gives her any real parenting and is entirely emotionally absent from her life.


Shredder is a large, imposing figure. He tends to remain pretty stoic and doesn't show a lot of emotion. He is quiet and only speaks when necessary. He doesn't actually raise his voice very often unless he is enraged. He has a deep, gravelyness to his voice.


The Shredder

Adopted Brother - Disowned

Towards Splinter



Adopted Brother - Disowned

Towards The Shredder



Yoshi and Saki were similar ages when they met for the first time. Saki was adopted into the family after the passing of his grandfather, and Yoshi tried his best to treat Saki like a brother. However, Saki didn't feel all that accepted into the family, as their father clearly showed some favoritism to Yoshi and his blood children. Yoshi and Saki would start training in ninjutsu soon after meeting and this fostered competitiveness between them.   It became clear though that Saki was alienated from the family and had no intention on actually forming a real bond with Yoshi, and simply wanted to be better than him. It was no surprise then when Saki abandoned them later in life and pledged his allegiance with a yokai demon. Even then, Yoshi didn't hate Saki, he was only disappointed in his actions, and hated being the one to have to send him away.   Saki took things too far when he took Tang Shen's life, and the life of his future child. It's something Yoshi could never forgive him for, and he vowed he would stop Saki before he hurt someone else. Deep down, Saki is still a brother to Yoshi, so facing him again would be a trial emotionally.

Relationship Reasoning

Saki sees Yoshi as a representation of everything he wasn't able to have growing up; a family, a loving wife, success, value, strength. He hates him for it and wishes nothing but to see it all taken away from him. Saki believes that he is more deserving of all of it cause he put in the work.   But when he finds out that Yoshi has mutated into a rat, he still isn't satisfied, because despite the set back, he still finds happiness.

Year of Birth
1975 47 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Splinter (Adopted Brother - Disowned)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sandy peach


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