
Stockgen is a science facility located in New York City ran by Stockgen Robotics, named after it's founder Baxter Stockman.

Purpose / Function

Stockgen is a research center covering robotics and genetics. Their goal is to push the field of biorobotics, such as prosthetics, cybernetic enhancements, and genetic alteration. The intended purpose has been to advance medical science, however, since discovering a substance known as Mutagen, the actual research performed at the center has changed to revolve around the potencial usage of the substance and how to recreate it.


The building is a forty-story structure that towers over the smaller buildings in the area. It's circular and wrapped with glass windows. A glowing 'Stockgen' sign at the top of the building illuminates the night sky.   The building consists of several sections. The ground floor conains the parking garage and the waiting lounge. A series of elevators can lead you either down into the storage basement, or up into the first section; Assembly.   Assembly is a multi-floor area spanning from part of floor 1 to most of floor 2-4. This is where much of the machines for constructing the tech Stockgen produces are located.   Next is the offices where the regular staff works, including those who manage funding and, business collaborations, and publicity. There is also a kitchen and cafeteria on the 10th floor.   Above that, around Floor 20, are the laboratories, where most of the experimentation is conducted. At level 30 you have meeting rooms and executive offices, with Stockman's office, personal lab, a secret living quarters resides.   On its roof is a radio tower that allows communication between Stockgen and any tech that was created by them.


Stockgen is a very secure building with guards that restrict access to certain areas and cameras everywhere. An employee key card is also required to get into a majority of the building. A security office is located on floor 5.


The building itself has existed since the late 90's, much to the irritation of the locals in the area who believe the tower is tacky and ruins the skyline in the area, as it towers over all of the other buildings in the area and looks out of place. The building was constructed as a research center that changed hands several times do to their original companies going out of business. In 2009 Baxter Stockman founded Stockgen Robotics, and purchased the building.


Guided tours are let into the building occasionally in order to show the public what Stockgen has been working on. Often times the press will be shown the latest in their technology. Student tours from local schools are often also given to encourage the youth to invest into a career in science. Many areas remain restricted to the public however.
Parent Location
New York City
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Stockgen Robotics


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