The Race

“Are you guys okay?!” Leo asked as he stood, dropping into a fighting stance.

“We can’t get up!” Raph called.

“Donnie?” Leo prompted for more information as he deflected a strike by the yokai, returning one to their side and getting blocked with a wrist.

“I don’t know what’s going on!” Donnie insisted.

“How come they’re letting me up?!” Leo cried, and was sent to the ground once more.

He huffed as he tried to catch his breath, standing clumsily, and the yokai approached him. Leo froze in place, feeling the gauntlet blades in his carapace, the bone in his leg snapping. The force in each slash, the fatal intent behind each movement.

Leo stumbled back, eyes wide.

He as going to fail again. He was going to be killed, he was going to die right here, with his brothers watching.

He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t fight.


Leonardo is up and moving again and finally training, when Splinter notices that no matter what, Leo keeps favoring his leg, despite the fact it should be healed. Splinter proposes to turn their training session into a game. The first one to grab his color flag from the woods and bring it back would go with him on his next supply run.   Excited, the boys all raced off. Leo was lagging behind, his confidence still shaken from his injury. But that changed when suddenly they were attacked by a masked ninja. The ninja easily took out his brothers, and knocked Leo to the ground. Fearing for his families lives, he finally built up the strength to fight back and summon his Yokai Weapons again. That when the ninja revealed himself to have been Splinter the whole time.   The entire fight was staged in the hopes that a 'real threat' would shake Leo out of his depressive state. He then allowed the race to continue, where with a new found determination and confidence, Leo won with his flag.
August 30th, 2022
Chapter Number
Amevello Blue
Home Again
Read Here

Season 2


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