
Donnie hopped down from the truck and started digging through the piles of old mechanical parts.

“Man, who would let all this stuff just sit out here and collect dust?! Like, look at the quality of steel on this thing!” Donnie pulled out a random metal elbow pipe.

“Yeah, but what is it?” Casey questioned.

“It’s not about what it is now, it’s about the possibilities of future uses. Recycling, my dear Jones.”

Donnie hopped between creates, picking up whatever particularly shiny bauble caught his attention.

“Ay, yo, eyes on the prize there, little junk gremlin,” Casey called over to him. “We don’t need any of that stuff for the car.”

“I know, but I might need it,” Donnie looked around and saw something large under a tarp. “Oh! A vehicle, perfect! That might have a functioning battery.” He clambered over to the tarp and pulled it off, dust and debris pouring down with it.

Donnie coughed and waved a hand around, but his eyes lit up when he saw underneath it an old, retro-style campervan.

“Oh my god, Casey!” Donnie squealed. “Look at this!”

“A camper?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Not just a camper! It’s a genuine 1990’s Winnebago Warrior, Class C! And it’s in great condition. The paint is barely scratched!”

“Sure, a camper,” Casey muttered. “Not like you don’t live in the woods all the time anyway.”

“Sure, but this? This moves Casey! Oh, could you imagine riding around in this thing?! Think of the modifications Casey. The. Modifications!” He enunciated each syllable.


Donatello is helping Casey fix her van when he finds an old camper belonging to Uncle Augie, that he insists on fixing up.   Meanwhile Leonardo is still having nightmares about his encounter with the The Shredder and is growing increasingly frustrated at his slow healing progress. Raphael tries to help him get his confidence back by helping him do something he hasn't done yet. Walk down the stairs.
August 27th, 2022
Chapter Number
Amevello Blue
The Well
The Race
Read Here

Season 2


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