Lilith Blackthorn Character in Tohiri | World Anvil

Lilith Blackthorn

Lilith Blackthorn

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lilith was born into a small secluded village within the shadow-drenched realm of the Shadow Plane, She was drawn the the surrounding darkness, and wanted to learn about all the various creature and things that resided near the village, though her Father never let her explore to much, that didn't stop her.

After the death of her mother, she was very sad with grief, after a while she got tired of her dads teachings, so one night she ran off, and while doing so she found a strange shrine, she never really heard about much outside her town so she explored it, finding old rituals, not knowing what any of them did she accidentally activated one, summoning a mysterious patron of the night, after talking to it for a while they made a pact, Lilith gained the power of witchcraft. Learning to wield the shadows, conjure chilling illusions, and inflict devastating hexes.

The Patron granted her a mysterious shadow cat familiar to help teach her to control the abilities, she named it Nyx and they grew quite the bond together, after a bit she returned home, though she got yelled at for going out all by herself without telling no one, though it wouldn't be the first.

She was a very curious person, so she couldn't help going out exploring the shadow plane, though one day while exploring around she found a small tear in the plane, not knowing what it was she touched it, causing her to accidentally fall into the material plane, with no way to return at the moment.

Though she was sad, it was more overwhelmed by the curiosity and excitement of finding out about the existence of other realms being within the shadow plane her whole life, though she is finding a way to return home she has taken this opportunity to explore a whole new realm and find new knowledge.


Lilith Blackthorn


Towards Sophia Nightshade


Sophia Nightshade


Towards Lilith Blackthorn


Year of Birth
1340 19 Years old
Gray, medium length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5'6 or 168cm

Secrets :3

Nothing to see here buddy move along!

Material Plane Findings

Day 1...   While in the town square , these people were attacked by strange cat people.. this doesn't normally happen, when we back with them to the farm, we looked around I saw some interesting book, but I can finally explore this new place I can finally adventure!!!   We went through a teleporter into BALESEAK, teleporting isn't fun...and tastes really weird and I don't like it hopefully we don't have to it again, but hey while going to the guild we got some spicy mimics they tasted pretty good! I cant wait till we find more and explore this new place!!   We made it to the adventuring guild in BALESEAK, we met the a nice adventuring who greeted us named Irini who was oddly scared of me and got more scared when i mentions my skeleton friend...idk why she was so scared it saved us a lot maybe she doesn't like them...weird   Day 2... So we accepted are first quest to deal with some undead in LAOLIS, it seems like just a normal day i dont know why they need adventuring's for it but you know what could be fun! Can make me feel like my childhood again in the Shadow Plane!   We met someone today who used undead like me....but they were much stronger..i almost died i felt the light fading, but i had to stay i felt so close to death...luckily Argas got me back up, i was in so much pain everything was warm.....   Day 3... We havent done much but we met a weird farmer who told us about coyote's...there were no coyotes just guards ..sad but atleast we got paid so that was nice, then 290 showed again the one that almost killed me last time but hey we beat him up alot until he popped and teleported away...   after that we decided to go do some Akros quests, he just made us go to an island and get some ice, it wasnt that eventful at all but hey we got paid and got a weird box, that appearently summons a duck!! i decided we should keep it and named it quackerton so thats cool, he seems pretty chill and lets me hold him so yeah! now we just gotta go help move some furniture


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