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Book of Vile Darkness

The Book of Vile Darkness is the name given to a tome of lore penned by the Lich Vecna in the years prior to his death. It contains various prophecies, necromantic knowledge, forbidden secrets, and other terrible writings. Among other things, the Book is believed to contain the secret of becoming a lich, the summoning rituals and truenames of several devils, and Vecna's prophecy of the Visitor, a mythological "World Born Dead". The method of its destruction is uncertain, but a powerful Angel can remove it from existence for a number of years by tearing it in half. Some postulate that all evil would need to be removed from the multiverse before the Book would cease to be. The Book was held for some time by the Lich Acererak, but its current whereabouts are unknown.
Item type
Book / Document


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